Hydrogen is the simplest, lightest and most abundant element on earth. Like electricity, hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be used to transport energy created elsewhere to another location. Hydrogen has the highest energy per unit of any fuel: the energy in 1kg of hydrogen is the same as approximately 2.8 kg of gasoline.
Hydrogen key facts

Text version: Hydrogen key facts
The hydrogen atom
Periodic table: element number 1, simplest element on Earth
Weight: Atomic mass of 1.008, 14 times lighter than air
Natural state: rarely exists in a free state
Energy carrier: stores energy first created elsewhere
Volumetric energy density: low volumetric density requires advanced storage methods
Detectability: invisible, odourless and tasteless
Abundancy: 75% of the mass of the universe
Gravimetric energy density: highest energy per mass of any fuel
The power to reach net-zero
The need to mitigate climate change is transforming energy systems around the world, and hydrogen has a critical role to play in the creation of a carbon-neutral future. A clean hydrogen economy can help Canada diversify our future energy mix, generate economic benefits, and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
A global opportunity
Momentum for hydrogen and fuel cell technology is growing globally, with the global market value expected to reach as much as $1.9 trillion by 2050. Canada has the potential to produce large amounts of low-cost, clean hydrogen in excess of its domestic demand, creating an opportunity for Canada to become a supplier of choice of a new carbon-free energy export commodity. Canada, known for its leading hydrogen and fuel cell technology companies, is also well positioned to attract direct foreign investment and continue to grow as a word-leading exporter of technology, products, and services.