Canada’s oil, natural gas, and coal resources make it one of the world’s most attractive energy centres for continuing investment and development. However, these resources are facing new requirements to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and manage the impacts of climate change. Further information about Canada’s actions in the area of climate change, its climate future, partnerships, adaptation, health, science and emissions reporting can be found on the Government of Canada’s website.
Crude oil
Oil sands, pricing, resources, and supply and demand, offshore oil and gas.
Alternative fuels for transportation
Ethanol, biodiesel, natural gas, electric.
The refining sector in Canada
Refineries in Canada 2015, petroleum products market.
Refinery economics
Crude oil input, crude and product slates, refinery configuration and utilization, environmental initiatives.
Natural gas
Natural gas as a primer, liquefied natural gas, Pipeline Arbitration Secretariat, Shale and Tight resources, FAQs, North American Natural Gas Market.
Offshore oil and gas
Legislation and regulations, rights issuance and land tenure, oil and gas activity, frontier and offshore regulatory renewal initiative, Atlantic occupational health and safety initiative.
Corrosivity of crude oils, corrosion condition in bitumen, pipeline facts, FAQs, Canadian refineries, petroleum products distribution networks, energy infrastructure protection, pipeline arbitration secretariat, pipeline safety regimes.