Clean fuels

Clean fuels are fuels that produce much lower greenhouse gas emissions than traditional fuels on a life-cycle basis like clean hydrogen, advanced biofuels, liquid synthetic fuels, and renewable natural gas.

Information and regulations

Clean fuels - fueling the future

Recognizing the essential role that clean power and clean fuels play in our future.

Hydrogen Strategy for Canada

A plan to power Canada’s low-carbon energy future while positioning Canada to become a world-leader in hydrogen technologies.

Producing hydrogen in Canada

See how our extensive network can be leveraged to move hydrogen from production to end-use locations.

Using hydrogen in Canada

Learn how adoption of hydrogen will focus on energy-intensive applications offering advantages over other zero-carbon options.

Energy from hydrogen: the basics

Learn more about hydrogen - the simplest, lightest and most abundant element on earth.

Clean Fuel Regulations

Under the regulations, gasoline and diesel will become progressively cleaner over time and affordable alternatives will be increasingly available to consumers.

Regulatory Co-operation on Codes and Standards for Low Carbon Fuels in transportation

Supporting the alignment of codes and standards and the development of new ones, for the production, distribution and use of clean fuels and the electrification of transportation.

Programs and funding

Clean Fuels Fund

Find out how we are is using clean power and clean fuels to meet the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.