Eligible applicants:

All applicants must meet the following mandatory eligibility requirements to be considered for Stream 2 funding. Applicants that do not meet these requirements will not be assessed.

Who can apply? An eligible applicant must be a legal entity validly incorporated or registered in Canada. This includes:

  • A corporation, either for-profit or not-for-profit;
  • A provincial, territorial, regional, or municipal government, or their department, or agency;
  • An Indigenous organization including:
    • a for-profit or non-profit organization owned or controlled (greater than 50%) by an Indigenous entity
    • a band council;
    • an Indigenous government authority established by a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement; and
  • A public sector body that is established by statute or by regulation or is wholly owned by a province, municipal or regional government.

Note: To be eligible, the applicant must have completed an enhanced fleet energy assessment (either through a third-party assessor or via self-assessment) that meets the criteria outlined the NRCan Fleet Energy Assessment Criteria and Guidelines (sections 1 through 4) prior to application.

Ineligible applicants:

  • Federal entities, including Crown Corporations and their subsidiaries;
  • Softwood lumber companies and those that are vertically integrated with them (for more information on softwood lumber and the ongoing Canada-US trade dispute, please refer to the Global Affairs Canada website);
  • Freight transportation entities whose vehicles are ineligible;
  • Third-party consultants or entities applying on behalf of an eligible applicant.

Contact us

During the application period, program employees and review committee members are not at liberty to meet with applicants, discuss program details, or answer specific questions related to their projects.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please email us at: freightassessment-evaluationdeflotte@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.