The following information is meant to guide you, section-by-section, as you complete the application form. We recommend having this webpage handy as a resource while you are filling out the application form.
Please keep in mind that the more details you can provide, the higher the chance your application will be awarded merit points. The light grey boxes indicate where merit points will be awarded. If you need to provide more information than the application form allows, you can provide a document attached with your additional responses referencing the respective section.
Section A: The application form
1. Company information
Company name
Indicate the publicly known Business Name of the organization.
Legal business name
Indicate the Legal Business Name of the organization.
Business number
Indicate the registered business number or the organization
1.1 Canadian business headquarters address
Address, province, city, postal code
Indicate the Canadian address of the organization’s headquarters.
1.2 Contact information
Main contact name, title, phone number, email
Indicate the contact information of the main resource person for all application-related inquiries and/or decisions. If we cannot reach this contact, the Financial Signatory indicated in section 1.3 will be the next point of contact.
It is important to note that applicants are permitted to hire a third-party consultant or project manager to support the submission of a Stream 2 application. However, the contact information listed in the application must be for members of the entity applying to receive the contribution. NRCan will only communicate with the applying organization and not the third-party consultant or contracted project manager.
2. The Organization’s fleet profile
Consult the truck Weight Class chart for more information.
Number of trucks in classes 2B, 3 and 4
Indicate the total number of trucks within the organization’s fleet(s) that are within 2B, 3 and 4 weight classes.
Number of trucks in classes 5 and 6
Indicate the total number of trucks within the organization’s fleet(s) that are within 5 and 6 weight classes.
Number of trucks in classes 7 and 8
Indicate the total number of trucks within the organization’s fleet(s) that are within 7 and 8 weight classes.
Number of trailers
Indicate the total number of trailers within the organization’s fleet(s).
What is the average age of the organization’s trucks?
Indicate the numeric average age of the trucks in the organization’s fleet(s).
To determine the average age, add up the age of each truck in the organization’s fleet(s) and divide the sum by the total number of trucks in the fleet(s).
Truck Name | Truck Class | # Years old |
Truck 1 | Class 2B | 3 years old |
Truck 2 | Class 6 | 5 years old |
Truck 3 | Class 8 | 7 years old |
To achieve sum of total truck years: 3 + 5 + 7 = 15 years
To achieve average age: 15 (years) / 3 (trucks) = 5 years
The average age of this organization’s fleet is 5 years old.
What is the average lifecycle of the organization’s trucks?
Please indicate the average amount of time the organization will keep a truck in service before replacing it (in years).
Body types of the trucks
Indicate the most common body type(s) of the trucks in the organization’s fleet(s).
3. Employee composition
Employee is defined as a person employed by an organization established to perform any duty or function on a part-time or full-time basis.
Percentage (%) of employed Indigenous staff
If applicable, please indicate the percentage (%) of employees that have identified themselves as Indigenous who are employed within the organization.
Percentage (%) of women employed in non-administrative roles
If applicable, please indicate the percentage (%) of employees that have identified themselves as women within the organization.
Merit points will be awarded to applicants who can demonstrate their commitment to fostering a diverse workplace, including a larger percentage of Indigenous employees and women employees staffed in non-administrative roles.
Number of employees
Please indicate the total number (#) of employees within the organization.
4. Project details
What project activity type are you applying for? Select all that apply.
Please check off the boxes that apply to the proposed project(s).
- Repower (Repowering/refuelling of existing vehicles)
- Purchase (Purchase of low-carbon alternative fuel vehicles)
- Logistical best practices
When was the attached Enhanced Fleet Assessment completed?
By using the calendar function within the form, state the month, date and the year that your Enhanced Fleet Assessment was completed.
What is the total cost of the project?
Based on the information submitted in Section 10 (Project Budget), list the cost, including all sources of contributions (in-kind or cash).
- The Organization’s proposed contribution.
- NRCan’s proposed contribution.
- Any other sources of contribution towards the project.
What amount is the organization requesting from NRCan?
List the proposed amount that the organization would like NRCan to contribute.
It is important to ensure that this contribution amount is eligible for the proposed Funding Activity selected.
Not-for profit, Indigenous and government organizations can request up to 75% of project costs (or 75% of the incremental cost).
Will the project(s) be receiving any other funding from other sources (government, private or other)?
If you intend to receive any other type of funding for this project, list the amount as well as the source of funding you will be receiving or intend to receive for this project:
- Provincial funding
- Federal funding
- Municipal funding
- Private funding
The total amount received for this project cannot exceed 100% of the total project cost. If the organization intends to receive a loan from a crown corporation or a government organization, please ensure that this is clearly stated. The government assistance referred to in stacking limits does not include loans from governments or Crown agencies. For example, loans to the project from governments or Crown agencies are not included in this calculation; however, if a preferential interest rate were obtained through government loans, the cost savings due to the preferential rate would be included. Clarifications will be provided on a case-by-case basis.
4.1 Project specifics: “Repower” (if applicable)
Only complete this part if the proposed project includes a Repower.
Identify number of trucks that the organization is proposing to repower with this Project.
Identify the weight classes of the trucks that are being proposed for the Project.
Consult the chart with details on truck weight classes for more information.
What type of repowering technology/equipment is being proposed for this project?
In this section, indicate:
- the type of technology/equipment that is being proposed for the project;
- the brand name of the proposed technology/equipment (ex. New engine); and
- the fuel type that the organization is proposing to use once the repower is complete.
4.2 Project specifics: “Purchase” (if applicable)
Only complete this part if the proposed project is proposing to Purchase low carbon, alternative fuel vehicles.
Identify the number of trucks that the organization is proposing to purchase with this project.
Identify the weight classes of the trucks that are being proposed for the project.
Consult the chart with details on truck weight classes for more information.
What kind of vehicles will be purchased as part of this proposed project?
Indicate the following details on the vehicle(s) that the organization intends to purchase:
- The year;
- The make;
- The model; and
- The fuel type that the organization is proposing to use with the repower project.
4.3 Project specifics: “Logistical best practice” (if applicable)
Only complete this part if the proposed project includes a Logistical Best Practice.
Identify the Logistical best practice category that has been chosen.
Identify the proposed equipment/technologies that will be deployed for this Logistical Best Practise Project.
List the proposed technologies, equipment, software or tools, including the make(s) and model(s), that are proposed in this Project.
Identify the number of trucks within the organization’s fleet(s) will be impacted by this proposed logistical best practice Project.
4.4 Project description
The following elements must be included in your description:
- The technology used (reference the page number where the technology is recommended in the Enhanced Fleet Energy Assessment)
- How the technology, vehicle and/or logistical best practice will be used
- How the technology/vehicle will benefit your organization
- Indicate the number of vehicles that will be impacted in the project (please note that the number of vehicles listed in this description must match the ones listed in the proposed budget); and
- Indicate how the vehicles are going to be fueled and maintained.
Merit points will be awarded to proposals that clearly explain how the project will improve the efficiency of the organization’s fleet and reduce diesel fuel consumption.
Merit points will be awarded to proposals that clearly explain a strategy for how they will maintain and fuel the vehicles impacted by the project to proactively deal with any mechanical or fueling issues that may arise.
4.5 Outcomes and benefits
Describe the economic/financial and global/environmental outcomes and benefits that this Project will generate within the following categories:
- Direct (e.g., revenues, operating and maintenance costs, profitability);
- Indirect (e.g., job creation, greater demand from consumers, economic impact); and
- Other benefits (e.g., socio-economic, environmental, visibility, adoptions of electric trucks, awareness).
Clearly include estimated fuel savings in litres and GHG emission reductions this project will generate (per truck or per implemented logistical best practice).
Merit points will be awarded to proposals with greater estimated fuel savings and GHG emission reductions.
5. The Organization’s experience
Range of service delivery and number of years in operation (International/National/Provincial/Local)
Indicate where the organization’s service delivery primarily occurs, for example:
- Internationally
- Nationally
- Provincially (please specify)
- Locally (please specify)
Total company fleet size
Based on the information provided in the Enhanced Fleet Energy Assessment, indicate the size of the organization’s fleet. For this portion of the application, please include all eligible and ineligible vehicles within the organization’s fleet.
Are 50% or more of the company’s kilometers driven in Canada?
Indicate if the organizations kilometers are predominantly driven in Canada.
Merit points will be awarded to applicants that can demonstrate the majority of their freight transportation occurs within and across Canada.
List any examples of the organization’s participation in other environment sustainability initiatives (internal initiatives can be included in this section).
Provide the following details about your organization’s sustainability initiatives, if applicable:
Approximate dates (MM/YYYY) on when these initiatives took place or if the organization is currently participating in an initiative please mark “(present)”.
- Describe the activities within those initiatives.
- Include a brief overview of the results.
- e.g., SmartWay Transport Partnership, SmartDriver, Custom Driver Incentive Programs, etc.
Merit points will be awarded to applicants who demonstrate a broader interest and uptake in sustainability initiatives or activities that promote greening of their fleets, beyond their participation in the Green Freight Program.
5.1 Organization’s mandate
Provide the organization’s mandate surrounding eco-sustainability, including a link to the organization’s website where the mandate is indicated (if applicable).
5.2 Fuel consumption data tracking
Describe how the organization currently tracks fuel consumption.
Provide details including any company-wide best practices used, or examples of any technologies, systems or software already in use to track fuel consumption.
Merit points will be awarded to applicants that demonstrate the ability to report on fuel consumption with greater efficiency, innovation and accuracy.
6. The Organization’s readiness
6.1 Financial readiness
Describe the financial readiness of the organization to take on your proposed investment of the project(s).
Provide details on:
- Whether or not the organization will continue with the project if they do not receive Green Freight Program funding.
- Whether there are any anticipated collaborations and/or other funding opportunities (public or otherwise) that will also be supporting this project.
6.2 Alternative fuel commitment
Can the organization commit to using, on average, 40% renewable or non-fossil fuels from the first refueling through to March 31, 2029?
Check off “Yes” or “No”
It is a mandatory criteria that projects to purchase low-carbon alternative vehicles commit to using a minimum average renewable or non-fossil fuel blend of 1% or more starting from the first refueling through to March 31, 2029.
Explain how the organization anticipates achieving this. If “No” was selected, please explain why this target cannot be achieved and what percentage of the target can be achieved.
In this section, provide details such as:
- What average (%) blend of fuel will be used for these vehicles?
- Elaborate on any research that has been done to identify this as the preferred blend.
- The availability of the type of fuel that is being recommended, including details about the renewable or non-fossil fuel supplier that has been secured.
- If the organization cannot commit to a blend of at least 40%, please explain why.
- What percentage can the organization commit to? You must commit to using a minimum average renewable or non-fossil fuel blend of 1% or more to be eligible for funding.
If you are including refuelling infrastructure as part of your proposal, please include the following details:
- The average (%) fuel blend that will be used within the refueling infrastructure.
- The exact type of refueling infrastructure needed Include as many details as possible about the required refuelling infrastructure proposed.
- Justification as to why this refuelling infrastructure is essential to the project's success.
- Should the refuelling infrastructure component of this project not be approved for funding, please explain how you would obtain fuel for the impacted vehicles.
For more information on alternative fuelling station availability please consult the Electric Charging and Alternative Fuelling Station Locator.
Merit points will be awarded to applicants who:
- Can clearly demonstrate a relationship with a renewable or non-fossil fuel supplier and can maintain a consistent relationship with the supplier throughout the project and beyond.
- Can commit to using an average renewable or non-fossil fuel blend of at least 40%. Proposals that commit to using an average renewable or non-fossil fuel blend beyond 40% will receive more merit points.
7. Declaration of outstanding legal actions
Is there any on-going legal action against the applicant, any parent company or any partner(s), that could result in financial losses that would impact the success of this project?
Select “Yes” or “No”.
If the organization has selected yes, in the text box provided, include details on the specific legal actions and if they would affect its ability to cover their portion of the Project costs.
Failure to sign, will result in an automatic disqualification of the application process.
8. Applicant’s attestation
It is important that the Applicant’s attestation is read carefully and that it is signed by the Duly Authorized Officer.
Failure to sign, will result in an automatic disqualification of the application process.
9. Distribution list
Would you like to be added to the Green Freight Program distribution list which provides the most up-to-date information on both Streams 1 and 2?
Select “Yes” or “No”.
If “yes” is selected, the information of the contact person listed on this application will be added to the distribution list.
Section B: Project budget, timeline and risk mitigation
10. Project budget
As part of the application process, organizations must submit a proposed budget.
Fill out the provided table (on page 8) and enter all anticipated project-related costs within the appropriate budget categories.
List the NRCan funding requested per fiscal year
The budget must be distributed by fiscal year(s) as needed, and in accordance with the proposed timeline. It is important to note that the Canadian federal government fiscal year is different from the calendar year and runs from April 1 to March 31, as follows:
- Q1 is from April 1 - June 30.
- Q2 is from July 1 - September 30.
- Q3 is from October 1 - December 31.
- Q4 is from January 1 - March 31.
Fill out eligible and in-kind costs
Refer to the Eligible expenditures page for further information on what can be submitted and what cannot be submitted in the project proposal.
- The budget must include all sources of funding.
- Based on when the expenses will be incurred, the applicant will also need to specify how much they would like to receive of NRCan’s Contribution, per fiscal year.
- Eligible expenditures will only be eligible for reimbursement by NRCan from the time that a Contribution Agreement is signed by Canada, until the project completion date stated in the Contribution Agreement or until Program funding authority ends. Program funding currently ends March 31, 2027, therefore, all eligible expenditures for reimbursement must be incurred by that date. However, projects have until March 31, 2029, to be completed.
Secured project financing
Indicate all sources of funding that the organization is intending to receive towards this project and the status (firm or conditional).
For funding to be considered firm, the applicant must:
- Have the funds available; and/or
- Have a letter from a financial institution or lender stating that they have approved the amount of funding listed.
- Not-for profit, Indigenous and government organizations can request up to 75% of project funding (or 75% of the incremental cost).
Private sector contribution
Contributions are only required to be entered in this section if the applicant is a private sector entity. It is important that this funding amount ($) is firm.
- If there are any other private sector sources of funding from organizations that are not the applicant, please list the contributor(s) and respective funding in the additional lines in this section.
Government contribution
Indicate the total amount that the organization is requesting NRCan to contribute to the project.
- If the applicant is a government entity/organization, please ensure that your contribution is listed here under “Government Contributions”. It is important that this funding amount ($) is firm.
- It is important to ensure that this contribution amount is eligible for the proposed Funding Activity selected.
- If there are any other public sector sources of funding (any level of government), please list the contributor(s) and respective funding in the additional lines in this section.
11.Project timeline
List the Project’s key tasks and milestones in chronological order, including the anticipated start date and the end date for each task. This Project Timeline should also include an approximate cost for each task and this cost should be consistent with the Budget.
- The organization will need to report on each task that is added to this timeline. A minimum of 3 tasks must be included in this section.
Examples of project activities include:
- Planning and strategizing
- Research and cost evaluation
- Procurement
- Anticipated reception date and lead times
- Installation time
- Fuel acquisition
Merit points will be awarded to applicants who can provide a reasonable timeline for their project, which identifies in detail, the key milestones and the timing of expected expenses.
12. Risk mitigation
As part of the application process, the organization must outline the risks associated with their project and clearly identify how they plan to mitigate these risks. Please ensure that you include a minimum of 5 risks.
A risk can be defined as any obstacle that could impede the project’s success, completion and/or timelines.
A mitigation strategy can be any action that could be taken to reduce the likelihood of a risk. A mitigation strategy could also be the preparation of a backup plan if a planned risk materializes.
Examples of risks include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Supply Chain Issues
- Inflation
- Timelines
- Operational changes
- Technology availability
- Fuel availability
- Skilled labour availability
To properly complete this section of the application process, provide the following details in the Risk Mitigation table directly in the application form:
- Outline all of the risks associated with the project.
- For each of the risks identified, rate the impact that they would have on the project and its timeline if it were to occur (low, medium or high).
- List the likelihood* of this risk occurring (low, medium or high).
- Explain the mitigation measures that the organization has put in place to reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring or if there is a contingency plan in place.
* Likelihood definitions: Low—unlikely to occur; Medium—moderately likely to occur; High—very likely to occur.
Merit points will be awarded to applicants who can effectively explain the risks and challenges associated with the project, as well as the mitigation measures in place to ensure that the project will succeed within the timelines identified.
Ready to submit your application?
Please refer to How to Apply.
Contact us
During the application period, program employees and review committee members are not at liberty to meet with applicants, discuss program details, or answer specific questions related to their projects.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please email us at: