Wildland fire research

Understanding the causes, dynamics and effects of wildland fire helps us prepare for, mitigate, respond to and manage fire-related events. Strong relationships with provincial and territorial governments and Indigenous partners support Canada’s internationally recognized scientific and technical expertise.

The Canadian Forest Service provides wildland fire intelligence and predictive services, conducts internationally respected research, and leads national strategic programs and initiatives that directly benefit wildland fire management in Canada.

Blueprint for wildland fire science

A 10-year strategic plan focused on building national wildland fire science capacity.

Fire behaviour

Understanding fire behaviour is critical for managing wildland fires.

Wildland fire monitoring and reporting tools

Access scientific models that identify where and when the potential of wildland fire is the greatest and the tools and services that apply them.

Fire Ecology

Understanding the interaction between fire and ecosystem health helps wildland fire management agencies balance suppression with maintaining healthy landscapes.

Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS)

The principal source of fire intelligence for wildland fire management agencies.

Peatland fires and carbon emissions

Studying the implications of changing fire regimes on northern peatlands and the circumboreal forest.

Data and information

WildFireSat e-bulletin

Updates on Canada’s mission to monitor wildland fires from space.

National Wildland Fire Situation Report

Summary of current and forecasted wildland fire conditions across Canada.

Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS)

Daily, national-level wildland fire maps and reports, plus a wide range of data products and services.

Open Science and Technology Repository

Access publications, science and research published by the Canadian Forest Service about wildland fire.

CWFIS Datamart

Data products and services for current and historical fire locations, burned area and fire conditions.

WildFireSat Publications

Our collection of publications about how the WildFireSat mission is supporting wildland fire management.

Programs and initiatives

Fighting and Managing Wildlfires in a Changing Climate Program

Funding to train and equip firefighters for wildland fire response.

Wildfire Resilient Futures Initiative

Funding to reduce wildland fire risk in our communities and landscapes.

REDfire Lab

Supporting Indigenous fire stewardship research.

WildFireSat: A Canadian operational mission

Canada’s satellite mission daily tracking active wildland fires.


Wildland fire research at the Laurentian Forestry Centre
A compilation of scientific articles about the results of wildland fire research conducted at the Laurentian Forestry Centre from 1999 to 2020.

Download the report [2.3 Mb PDF]