Technical assistance for the Canada Greener Homes Initiative

The Canada Greener Homes Grant is no longer accepting new applicants. Homeowners who are already participating are encouraged to proceed in a timely manner with their retrofits and will continue to be eligible for funding and support through the Canada Greener Homes portal.

If you are an Ontario, Quebec or Nova Scotia homeowner participating in the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus, the Rénoclimat or the Home Energy Assessment program, please contact your provincial program for more information.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan and the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program remain open. Thank you for your interest.

Note: RénoClimat recently informed applicants who live in Quebec that they will now have until September 30, 2025, to complete their renovations and their post-retrofit energy evaluation in order to receive the federal grant. This is a decision taken by RénoClimat that only applies in Quebec, and does not implicate applicants who live in any other province or territory.

If you are an applicant living in Quebec, please visit Programme Rénoclimat | Innovation et transition énergétiques for further information.

Having issues with your application? Try these solutions!

Let us help you troubleshoot your issues with the Canada Greener Homes portal.

I need help applying

  • How do I apply?

    Applying for the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program

    To apply for the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program, begin by registering via the Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal page, where you will be asked to login securely using either a Sign-In Partner or a GCKey. You will then be directed to the portal, where you can start the application process.

    Residents of the following provinces/territories need to apply through their provincial and territorial programs. (That’s why these provinces/territories are not listed in the drop-down menu of provinces and territories in the portal.)

    You will know you have successfully created an application when you have received your application number (e.g., AP123456 or OHPA123456).

  • What is the difference between having an account in the Canada Greener Homes portal and having an application live in the system?

    The difference is that having an account means you only created an account and are registered.

    Having an application means you have applied and have an application number (e.g., AP123456 or OHPA123456).

    • Step one is to create an account.
    • Step two is to create an application and you receive your application number (e.g., AP123456 or OHPA123456).
  • How do I know if I have an application? What is an application number?

    You will know you have successfully submitted an application for the program when you receive an automatic email notification confirming your application number (e.g., AP123456 or OHPA123456).

    If you do not have an application number, you have two options:

    Option 1: You can complete your application online. Please access our Canada Greener Homes portal by logging in with your Sign-In Partner or GCKey. Once you are logged in, click on “New application” and follow the prompts to submit your application.

    Ensure you upload your proof of primary residence document. This is a valid, government-issued identification with your name and address, such as a driver’s license. The address on your identification must match the address in your application. You will not be able to complete your application unless you upload a proof of primary residence document.

    Helpful hint: When you receive an email to verify the email address associated with your account for the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, please click on the link. If clicking on the link does not work, please copy the link and paste it in a new Google Chrome window.

    Option 2: If you are still experiencing difficulties and cannot continue online using our tips on this page, you can request an offline homeowner kit by calling the call centre at 1-833-674-8282. The kit and application form will be mailed to your address and should arrive in a couple of weeks. Please note, this process will require you to mail documents to NRCan and this will be a longer process. UPDATE: Please ensure Canada Greener Homes Grant offline applications are signed, dated and mailed on or before February 12, 2024. Given regional differences in Canada Post delivery times, program staff will process any eligible offline applications received no later than March 11, 2024.

  • Do you have helpful hints (i.e., user names and passwords, when applying, browsers)?

    User names and Passwords:

    Please manage your user names and passwords to avoid problems in the future. Create a document or folder for your information as you will need to be able to access this information multiple times. As well, please remember you will need to keep copies of your documents until March 31, 2028. Here are our suggestions:

    • If you use GCKey: Take note of your username and password. If you forget either of these, you will need to have them re-set. Please use GCKey password recovery questions that you will remember.
    • If you use a Sign-In Partner: If you bank with several banks, please take note of the name of the bank you used as your Sign-In partner.
    • Keep a copy of this in a safe place in case you forget.
    • The GCKey used for the Canada Greener Homes portal is different from the GCKey used by the Canada Revenue Agency. Please make sure you use the right GCKey for the Canada Greener Homes portal.


    • Verification email: When you apply for this initiative, you will receive an email. Please open it and click on the link provided to verify your email address. If the system takes you back to the Canada Greener Homes Initiative login page, please make sure you select your GCKey username or Sign-In Partner and enter your credentials to log in.
    • Junk mail folder: If you do not receive an email from us during the registration process, check your spam or junk folder. If the email did end up in one of these folders, add the email to your trusted senders folder or mark the email as ‘not junk’. This way, our future emails will not be tagged as junk mail and will directly go in your inbox.


    You may not be able to register or access your account with older versions of Microsoft Edge. Please try an alternative browser such as Google Chrome. If Microsoft Edge is your default browser, please ensure you are using the latest version.

  • What are the GC Key and sign-in partner? Why do I have to use one of these when I apply?

    When you apply, you must log in with your GCKey or Sign-In Partner. Both of these tools allow the Government to safeguard the information you provide in your account once it is created.

    GCKey: This service is provided by the Government of Canada to allow you to securely conduct online business with various governmental programs and services. The GCKey service issues you your GCKey. A GCKey is a unique credential that protects your communications with online Government programs and services. Using your GCKey, you can access the online programs and services listed on our Enabled Services page.

    More information is available here:

    Sign-in partner: You can sign in with your online Canadian banking information if you have an existing account with one of our Sign-In Partners. If you are selecting a Sign-In Partner, please continue to use the same one that you originally selected when your email was verified by our system.

    The Government will protect all personal information that is shared about homeowners and their home under the federal Privacy Act. The safety and security of Canadian’s personal information, including banking information, is of the utmost importance and we have worked hard to ensure that our Canada Greener Homes portal meets the federal government’s high cybersecurity standards.

  • When applying for the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program, why am I directed to the Canada Greener Homes Initiative? Am I supposed to apply for both?

    The Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program is an additional stream of the broader Canada Greener Homes Initiative (CGHI). Applicants use the Canada Greener Homes portal to apply for the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program (or the Canada Greener Homes Grant). When you arrive at the portal page, you can choose which program is more appropriate for your situation according to the eligibility criteria.

I am having trouble logging in

  • What do I do if I forgot my Sign-In Partner username or password?

    Please visit your Sign-In Partner’s website to follow their password and username recovery procedures.

    NOTE: When using a Sign-In Partner to access the Canada Greener Homes portal, please ensure you always use the same username or card number your bank accepts as your login credential. 

  • What do I do if I forgot my GCKey password?

    You can create a new password to access the Canada Greener Homes portal. Please visit the sign-in page for GCKey and click “Forgot your password?” You will be able to create a new password after you answer the password recovery questions you previously set up when registering for a GCKey. This is why it is important to use GCKey password recovery questions that you will remember.

    NOTE: Once your password is recovered, please continue to use the same GCKey username to access the portal.

    This GCKey username must be the one you originally selected to verify your email with our system.

  • What do I do if I forgot my GCKey username? How do I create a new GCKey?

    To regain access to the Canada Greener Homes portal you will have to create a new GCKey.

    Note: At Step 3 of the GCKey process below, you will need to provide a different email address from the one that was previously registered with our system. Please determine now which different email address you will use.

    Step 1: To register for a GCKey, access the Canada Greener Homes portal

    • Select Option 2: GCKey.
    • Click ‘Sign Up’

    Step 2: Choose a new username and password. You will be asked to create new security questions. Keep a copy of this in a safe place in case you forget.

    Step 3: After you create your new GCKey, sign in to the Canada Greener Homes portal with your new GCKey username. 

    Select Option 2: GCKey and enter your new GCKey credentials.

    Step 4: Once logged in, you will be redirected to the registration page, where you will be asked to re-enter the same personal information as your original GCKey, such as your name, and verify a new valid e-mail address.

    NOTE: Please ensure you enter a different e-mail address from the one that was previously registered with our system.

    Step 5: After you have entered all the required information and double-checked that your email is correct, click “Register” and a validation email will be sent to you. Please check your Inbox and click on the link in the message that was sent to you to verify your email address.

    NOTE: If Microsoft Edge is your default browser, when opening the link to the Canada Greener Homes portal, please copy the link and paste it into the address bar of Google Chrome browser. The system functions better with the Google Chrome browser.

    Step 6: After you click on the link, a browser window will open.

    Click “Continue” and close the browser once a new page reloads.

    Step 7: You must complete the following table and email it to us.

    Canada Greener Homes Grant email:

    Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program email:  

    One of our Program Officers will link your existing application to your new GCKey username. Please do not attempt to login until you have heard from our program officer confirming that your request has been linked. We ask for your patience.

      OLD NEW
    AP# (example: AP123456) Name E-mail address Name E-mail address
    OHPA# (example: OHPA123456)        
  • How do I update my Sign-In Partner information?

    To update your Sign-In Partner information with your new banking information (such as new card number, new bank name), please follow these steps:

    1. First, we recommended clearing any cookies or history on your device/computer.
    2. Next, open our web page by using this link: Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal.
      For optimal results, use the Google Chrome web browser. Note that accessing the page by selecting a saved page in your “favourites” is not recommended, please click the link above
    3. Select Option 1: “Sign-in Partner”
    4. Click “Sign in with Sign-in Partner”
    5. In the top banner on the next page, click “Switch my Sign-in Partner”
    6. Follow the prompts to continue to your Sign-in Partner
  • What do I do if I get this message: Single Sign-On Error We can't log you in because of an issue with single sign-on. Contact your Salesforce admin for help?

    To resolve this login issue, follow these steps:

    1. Open our web page by using this link: Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal. Do not access the page through a saved page in your Favorites. For optimal results, use the Google Chrome web application.
    2. Clear any cookies or history on your device or computer.
    3. Log in, always using the same credential information, either
      • Sign-In Partner
      • GCKey
    4. If your login was successful, this is the end of your steps.
    5. If you are still seeing the Single Sign-On Error, refer to What do I do if I forgot my GCKey username? How do I create a new GCKey?, and complete all the steps.
  • What do I do if I get this message: Always use the same log-in option and credentials to access the Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative. If you use different credentials, you will be treated as a different user?

    You may be trying to use a new GCKey login credential or Sign-In Partner (bank login) that is different than the one you used when you first registered with our Canada Greener Homes portal.

    Refer to What do I do if I see a Registration page after log in, and follow the steps

  • What do I do if I get this message: Please provide a unique identifier?

    If you are seeing this error message, “Please provide a unique identifier”, it’s because you have created a GCKey credentials login in our Service Organization portal. To resolve the login issue, follow these steps:

    If you are a new applicant,

    1. Create a new GCKey via Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal. Do not access the page through a saved page in your Favorites. For optimal results, use the Google Chrome web application.
    2. Clear any cookies or history on your device or computer.
    3. Refer to What do I do if I forgot my GCKey username? How do I create a new GCKey? and complete all the steps.

    If you already have an application but forgot your log in information,

    1. Refer to What do I do if I forgot my GCKey username? How do I create a new GCKey? and complete all the steps.
  • What do I do if I get this message: Your GCKey has been revoked?

    Your GCKey has been revoked due to one of the following reasons:

    1. Your GCKey has expired. The system requires you to use your GCKey at least once every two years. Otherwise, your account will be revoked.
    2. Your GCKey username and password have been compromised. It is essential that all of your online accounts of any kind NOT share the same username and password.

    You need to create a new GCKey for the Canada Greener Homes portal for homeowners. See this question What do I do if I forgot my GCKey username? How do I create a new GCKey? and follow all of the steps.

  • What do I do if I see a registration page after I log in?

    You may be trying to use a new GCKey login credential or Sign-In Partner (bank login) that is different than the one you used when you first registered through our Canada Greener Homes Initiative (CGHI) portal.

    To resolve this login issue, follow these steps:

    1. Open our web page: Log in to the Canada Greener Homes Initiative (CGHI) portal. Do not access the page through a saved page in your Favorites. For optimal results, use the Google Chrome web application.
    2. Clear any cookies or history on your device or computer.
    3. Log in. You will be asked to start the registration process. 
    4. Enter the same personal information that you used previously again (such as your name).
    5. Verify that you entered a new valid email address. Ensure that you enter a different email address than the one you have previously registered with.
    6. Click Register.
    7. (If there is no error message, go to step 8.) If you see this message after you click Register, it means that you have entered an email address that is already in use with our system. You need to enter a different email address, and click Register again.
      Important! Always use the same log in option and credentials to access the CGHI portal. If you use different credentials, you will be treated as a different user.
    8. When you have successfully registered, you will see this message: Thank you. We have sent you an email to complete the registration process. Please check your inbox. Click the link in the message to verify your email address.
    9. Click Continue in the browser window that opens.
    10. Close the browser after the new page has loaded.
    11. This last step is very important: you must complete the following table and send it to us.

      Input your information in the email subject line: GCKEY RELINK REQUEST + Your Application # (AP123456) or (OHPA123456)

      Canada Greener Homes Grant email:

      Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program email:

      We will link your existing application to your new GCKey user name, then send you a confirmation email. You will then be able to log in to the CGHI portal. Do not try to log in before you receive confirmation. Thank you for your patience.

        Old New

      Canada Greener Homes Grant

      AP # (example: AP123456)

      Name Email address Name Email address

      Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program

      AP# (example: OHPA123456)


    We will link your existing application to your new GCKey user name, then send you a confirmation email. At that time, you will be able to log in to the CGHI portal. Do not try to log in before you receive confirmation. We thank you for your patience.

  • What do I do if I do not see my application number?

    To fix the problem, we need two screenshots from your portal view.

    • Follow these steps to take the screenshots.

    1st Screenshot – Your profile information

    1. Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal.
    2. Click your name (top right corner).
    3. Click the “My Profile”
    4. Take a screenshot of My Profile.

    We need to be able to read the email address that is linked with your profile.

    2nd Screenshot – Your account information

    1. Click your name (top right corner).
    2. Click the “My Account”
    3. Take a screenshot of the information you see.

    We need to be able to read the Household account name that is linked with your account.

    • Please send us an email with the following information:
      • name that you see in the top right corner
      • screenshot of your My Profile information
      • screenshot of your My Account information

    Canada Greener Homes Grant email: 

    Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program email:

    Use this as the email subject line: GCKey Login Issue + Your Application # (AP123456)

    We will link your existing application to your new GCKey username, then send you a confirmation email. At that time, you will be able to log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal. Do not try to log in before you receive confirmation. We thank you for your patience.

I want to edit my profile or application

How do I change my Service Organization?
  1. Log in to the Canada Greener Homes Portal to access your application
  2. Click on “My applications”
  3. Click the application number (AP#)
  4. Click on “Manage Application”
  5. Select “Change Service Organization for this Application”
I have multiple applications. How do I delete the extra applications?
  1. Log in to the Canada Greener Homes Portal to access your application
  2. Click on “My applications”
  3. Click the  application number (AP#)
  4. Click on “Manage Application”
  5. Select "Opt-out"
  6. Select “I am cancelling this Application and will return or already have another Application”
I no longer want to participate in the Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative. What do I do?
  1. Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal to access your application
  2. Click on “My applications”
  3. Click the  application number (AP#)
  4. Click on “Manage Application”
  5. Select "Opt-out"
  6. Select “I would like to delete my account and end all communications”
How do I upload documents?
  1. Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal.
  2. Click your name (top right corner).
  3. Click on “My Account”
  4. Click on “Upload files”
  • How do I make changes to my personal and account information?

    Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal. Please select your Sign-In Partner or GCKey.

    To change your property tax roll number, address, and property type:

    1. On the top right corner, click “Your Name” and then “My Account” from the drop-down menu.

    To change your name, email or phone number:

    In the top right corner, click on “My Profile” to change your name, email or phone number.

  • What do I do if I do not see a link to select or selecting the link does not work?

    Your email provider or browser anti-virus may be blocking you from viewing links in emails.

    If you have a pop-up blocker on your web browser, please disable this before you select the link.

  • I accidentally clicked “Already Evaluated” and I have not had my pre-retrofit evaluation by my energy advisor yet. How do I make the change?

    This relates to whether or not you have already completed your pre-retrofit evaluation by your energy advisor.

    Some homeowners accidentally clicked “Already Evaluated” when they applied.

    1. Log in to the  Canada Greener Homes portal and select your Sign-in partner or GCKey. Once you are logged in, on the top right corner, click on “Your Name”.
    2. From the drop-down menu, click on My Account.
    3. Then, on the top right corner, click on Edit.
    4. Please uncheck the “Already Evaluated” box so that it indicates you have NOT had your pre-retrofit evaluation.
  • I have had my pre-retrofit evaluation by my energy advisor and want to ensure it is updated. How do I change that?

    This relates to whether or not you have already completed your pre-retrofit evaluation by your energy advisor.

    Some homeowners completed their pre-retrofit evaluation between submitting their application and getting approved and want to update their application.

    1. Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal and select your Sign-in partner or GCKey. Once you are logged in, on the top right corner, click on “Your Name”.
    2. From the drop-down menu, click on My Account.
    3. Then, on the top right corner, click on Edit.
    4. Check the “Already Evaluated” box to indicate you have had your pre-retrofit evaluation.
    5. Please upload your (1) Renovation Upgrade Report and (2) EnerGuide label. See How do I upload documents? for uploading documents.
  • How do I modify my tax roll number?

    We understand some homeowners have an issue when they apply with the tax roll number and may get a message that says, “Error. There is already an existing account…” Tax roll numbers usually range between 16 and 20 numbers. One issue may be that the number format is not valid and so we ask you to try again.

    To change your property tax roll number:

    1. Log in to the Canada Greener Homes portal.
    2. Select your Sign-In Partner or GCKey.
    3. In the top right corner, click “Your Name” and then “My Account” from the drop-down menu.
    4. Then, on the top right corner, click on “Edit”.
    5. Enter your property tax roll number in the appropriate field.

Still can’t find what you’re looking for?

TTY: 1-800-465-7735
Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time)
Canada Greener Homes Grant email:

Oil to Heat Pump Affordability program email:

Accessibility: The Canada Greener Homes Initiative is committed to providing a barrier-free application process. We encourage you to advise us of any accommodations you may need. Please contact us either by email, toll-free number or TTY and we will happily assist you.

Contact us: We strive to create and maintain a service experience where everyone is treated with dignity, decency and respect. If there is an opportunity for us to improve in any of these areas, call us.