Canada Greener Homes Initiative

Woman checking her cellphone

We want to help Canadians make where they live more energy-efficient. The Canada Greener Homes Initiative will help homeowners save money, create new jobs across Canada for energy advisors and fight climate change.

Explore the programs we have in place to support Canadians

Canada Greener Homes Affordability Program


This program, delivered through our partners in provinces and territories, will help low-to-median-income homeowners and tenants retrofit their homes to reduce monthly energy bills.

The full cost of recommended retrofits will be covered for eligible households. That means that participants will not be asked to pay out of pocket to participate.

Learn more about the Canada Greener Homes Affordability Program

Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program


The program helps eligible homeowners with median income or less who are currently heating their homes with oil make the transition to an eligible heat pump system.

There is no need for a home energy evaluation as part of this program.

Up to $10,000

To cover costs for changing your oil heating system to an eligible heat pump. Available to eligible homeowners across Canada, regardless of the province or territory.

Grants up to $15,000

Additional $5,000 on top of the $10,000 grant for eligible homeowners in provinces and territories where the program is being co-delivered.

$250 additional

One-time incentive payment for eligible homeowners in provinces and territories where the program is being co-delivered.

Learn about the program

Canada Greener Homes Grant


The grant covers eligible retrofits like home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps and solar panels as well as resiliency measures.

You must undertake both a pre-and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation of your home to be eligible for the grant.

Grants from $125 to $5,000
To get back a portion of your costs for eligible home retrofits.
Up to $600
As a maximum contribution toward the total costs of your pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations.

Learn more about the Canada Greener Homes Grant

Canada Greener Homes Loan


Offers interest-free financing to help you complete some of the more major retrofits recommended by your energy advisor.

The Canada Greener Homes Loan remains open. The loan is no longer combined with the Canada Greener Homes Grant.

From $5,000 to $40,000

Interest-free loans with a repayment term of 10 years to help you undertake major home retrofits.

Learn more about the Canada Greener Homes Loan

An initiative for community and affordable housing providers

Canada Greener Affordable Housing


This program provides contributions for pre-retrofit activities needed to plan, prepare, and apply for retrofit funding. It also offers forgivable and low-interest loans to help affordable housing providers complete deep energy retrofits on existing multi-unit residential buildings.

Up to $130,000

in contributions for pre-retrofit activities

Loans of up to $170,000 

per unit for eligible retrofit costs

Learn about the program

Energy advisors and service organizations

Energy advisors and service organizations are integral parts of how we deliver the Canada Greener Homes Initiative.

Log in to the Energy advisor and service organization portal

Heat pump resources and tools for HVAC professionals

For existing Grant applicants

Login to the Canada Greener Homes portal