Energy efficiency for homes

Find information on how to assess and improve the energy performance of old and new homes. Learn about the government programs and incentives that help Canadians consume less energy and save money.

Services and information for residents

Canada Greener Homes Initiative

Explore funding to help homeowners make their homes more energy-efficient, create new jobs, and fight climate change.

Directory of energy efficiency programs for homes

This directory contains programs of specific interest to Canadian homeowners.

Find a service provider

Looking for a new home builder or want to make some energy-efficient upgrades to your home? Find a service provider in your area.

How can I make my home more energy-efficient

Find out how to save energy and money by making modest investments and minor changes around your home.

Learn about energy-efficient homes

Learn about home energy performance, energy-efficient upgrades and fixtures, EnerGuide rating, benefits of an energy-efficient home.

Buying a new energy-efficient home

Purchasing or building an energy-efficient home; energy saving innovations and options for your home.

Greener Neighbourhoods Pilot Program

The GNPP focuses on clusters of low-rise housing and seeks to pilot the Energiesprong aggregated retrofit model in the Canadian market.

Services and information for industry

Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (LEEP)

LEEP accelerates energy efficient construction by enabling builders to reduce their time, risk finding, and help them build higher performance homes better, faster and more affordably.

Towards net-zero homes and communities program

Obtain funding for creative residential energy efficiency initiatives that support of the push towards net-zero emissions in the sector by 2050.

Integrated Community Energy Solutions

Integrated Community Energy Solutions (ICES) make use of the opportunities that come from treating the built community environment as a system.

Professional opportunities

Find a service organizations, become an energy-efficient builder or energy advisor, learn about ENERGY STARĀ® and other tools for industry professionals.

Directory of energy efficiency programs for industry

This directory contains programs of specific interest to Canadian Industry.

Urban Archetypes Project

This project explores how urban form (land use and infrastructure) influences vehicular transportation energy usage and household energy consumption.