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Natural Resources Canada’s 2024-25 Departmental Plans at a glance

A departmental plan describes a department’s priorities, plans and associated costs for the upcoming three fiscal years.

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Key priorities

Canada’s abundant natural resources have shaped our country’s history and created opportunities for generations of Canadians. Natural resource sectors have contributed to economic growth across the country, created well-paying jobs, innovation, and prosperity for all Canadians. In 2022, energy, forestry, and mining and minerals accounted for 58% of total exported Canadian goods, indirectly and directly accounted for 19.2% of gross domestic product and over 1.7 million jobs.

Today, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is home to leading scientists, researchers and experts in policy, data and artificial intelligence. As a science-based department, NRCan develops policies and programs that enhance the contribution of natural resource sectors to the economy. These improve the quality of life of Canadians, generate new ideas and technologies, and ensure that natural resources are developed sustainably, competitively, and inclusively.

Building a strong and thriving economy requires cooperation, which is why NRCan is engaging with Indigenous partners and key stakeholders such as indigenous leadership, natural resources industry sectors, provincial and territorial governments, local governments, as well as academia.

In 2024-25, NRCan will focus on the following priorities:

A diagram of priorities

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  • Climate Mitigation and Economic Transformation
  • Energy and Mineral Security
  • Adaptation, Emergency Preparedness, and Nature-Based Solutions


  • #OurNRCan, Modernization and Digital Transformation
  • Our People’s Wellness and Wellbeing
  • Our Resources, Stewardship and Management

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility


Three of the priorities are centered on seizing opportunities towards a low carbon future driven by Canada’s natural resources and taking actions to address the impacts of climate change. The remaining priorities are focused on modernization and transforming how NRCan delivers its business, as well as advancing IDEA and Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples as horizontal priorities.

Implementation Priorities

Climate mitigation and economic transformation

NRCan is taking actions against the climate crisis by supporting climate change mitigation and advancing Canada’s net zero transition in the natural resources sector. Through partnerships with provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous groups, industry and international partners, NRCan will deploy efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support innovation in clean technologies and ensure Canadians have access to economic opportunities. NRCan is also at the front of the Government’s efforts to support the creation of sustainable jobs in a low-carbon economy, and help to ensure workers and communities are positioned to benefit in the move to net zero emissions.

Energy and Mineral Security

In partnership with domestic and international partners, NRCan will also bolster energy and mineral security in Canada by securing supply chains that are required for the green and digital economy. The Department will work to expand existing markets and seek opportunities to get Canadian resources to global markets.

Adaptation, emergency preparedness, and nature-based solutions

NRCan will further support the development and enhancement of existing adaptation measures to reduce the impacts of climate change. An integrated approach of various measures, including nature-based solutions, will be implemented with the goal of reducing the impacts of climate occurrences such as heatwaves, flooding and wildfires.

Organizational Priorities

NRCan is focused on modernizing and transforming how the Department delivers its mandate and programs and supports employees.

NRCan is modernizing its workspace, including advancing digital transformation, to ensure the hybrid model is optimal for work life balance. The Department continues to foster an environment of sound management, and one that is healthy and inclusive for all while strengthening employee retention with concrete actions. Moreover, NRCan is committed to upholding scientific integrity and ensuring research security while advancing the principles and goals of open science, and to improving cybersecurity through several activities to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats.

Horizontal Priorities

In support of all these priorities, NRCan will continue its commitment to advancing the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA). Using Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus), the Department will consider the impacts on vulnerable, marginalized, and underrepresented groups in the design of its policies and programs. As well, concrete IDEA measures will be taken to respond to the Clerk’s renewed Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion in the Public Service.

NRCan also advances its commitment to reconciliation by working together with Indigenous peoples to build nation-to-nation relationships founded in mutual respect, partnership, and recognition of rights. NRCan will support ongoing actions specific to the natural resource sectors such as the Indigenous Natural Resource Partnerships program to further increase the economic participation of Indigenous communities and organizations in development projects. In addition, NRCan is working with Federal and Indigenous partners to develop a National Indigenous Loan Guarantee Program, as the cornerstone of a National Benefits-Sharing Framework, to help ensure Indigenous communities benefit from major resource projects.

Refocusing Government Spending

In Budget 2023, the government committed to reducing spending by $14.1 billion over the next five years, starting in 2023–24, and by $4.1 billion annually thereafter.

As part of meeting this commitment, Natural Resources Canada is planning the following spending reductions.

2024–25 2025–26 2026–27 and after
$58,388,000 $86,998,000 $126,157,000

Natural Resources Canada will achieve these reductions by doing the following:

  • aligning its grants and contributions programs to ensure Canada’s natural resources sectors continue to contribute efficiently to the economy and improve the quality of life for all Canadians by making program adjustments based on scientific data and performance results, achieved outcomes and/or complementary solutions; and
  • reducing spending on consulting, other professional services, and travel, and eligible program spending by leveraging alternative remote solutions, streamlined processes, modernized tools and work environments, and advanced digital transformation to equip the department in adapting and evolving to meet the needs and expectations of Canadians and the country.

The figures in this departmental plan reflect these reductions.


A Departmental Results Framework consists of an organization’s core responsibilities, the results it plans to achieve, and the performance indicators that measure progress toward these results.

Core responsibility: Natural Resource Science and Risk Mitigation

Departmental results:

  • Canadians have access to cutting-edge research to inform decisions on the management of natural resources;
  • Communities and officials have the tools to safeguard Canadians from natural hazards and explosives;
  • Communities and industries are adapting to climate change.

Planned spending:

2024–25 planned spending 2025–26 planned spending 2026–27 planned spending
$748,201,434 $792,703,686 $776,216,385

Planned human resources:

2024–25 planned full-time equivalents 2025–26 planned full-time equivalents 2026–27 planned full-time equivalents
1,465 1,411 1,367

Summary of plans:

As Canada’s climate is changing, the Government of Canada is committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 to mitigate impacts on Canadians and their communities. Through science and research, NRCan will develop programs and policies that will reduce the impacts of climate change and protect communities against climate occurrences.

To achieve this, the Department will collaborate with federal, provincial/territorial governments, Indigenous groups, local governments and academia to mitigate and reduce risks to communities and businesses from wildfires, flooding, pests and other risks accentuated by climate change.

Through the Wildfire Resilient Futures Initiative, NRCan will advance whole-of-society collaboration and governance, to strengthen resilience to wildfires, and improve the understanding of disaster risks. This will increase disaster prevention and mitigation, and enhance disaster response capacity and coordination, while fostering innovative forest management capabilities and approaches.

To further support emergency preparedness, satellite imagery and near real-time mapping information will enable responses to flooding and other natural disasters. In addition, it will advance planning by collaborating with provinces and territories to develop and disseminate flood hazard mapping for higher risk areas throughout Canada.

NRCan’s science and research activities will also support the Government of Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy by leading the Climate Change Adaptation Program to increase climate change resiliency in natural resources sectors and communities. The program will also continue to deliver national knowledge assessments of climate change impacts and adaptation.

NRCan will also contribute to the Government of Canada’s commitment to planting an incremental two billion trees to support to Canada’s GHG emissions reduction target in 2030 and net-zero emissions target in 2050.

Through the Geological Survey of Canada, the Natural Hazards and Climate Change Geoscience program will deliver tools and data that will support decisions related to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in areas such as infrastructure and environmental change decisions.

The Geoscience for a Net-Zero Future Program will explore new and emerging energy sources and identify subsurface energy storage potential for future utilization. This new knowledge will help reduce risks surrounding new energy source exploration, encouraging new industry investment to develop clean and renewable energy sources in support of goals of reaching net-zero by 2050.

In support of Canada’s commitment to advance reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, NRCan will advance First Nation self-determination and economic reconciliation by working with Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada to advance work in the context of First Nations Land Management.

More information about Natural Resource Science and Risk Mitigation can be found in the full departmental plan.

Core responsibility: Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development

Departmental results:

  • Natural resource sectors are innovative;
  • Clean technologies and energy efficiencies enhance economic performance;
  • Canada’s natural resources are sustainable.

Planned spending:

2024–25 planned spending 2025–26 planned spending 2026–27 planned spending
$2,470,316,561 $2,036,813,371 $1,064,337,053

Planned human resources:

2024–25 planned full-time equivalents 2025–26 planned full-time equivalents 2026–27 planned full-time equivalents
2,181 1,982 1,798

Summary of plans:

If Canada is to reach its climate objectives while undergoing the energy transition, Canadians will need clean power. As Canadians replace their oil furnace with electric heat pumps, plug in their electric vehicles and as we look to decarbonize industry and our households, Canadians will need the clean power it requires. Clean power will help Canada meet the demand gap while ensuring that we meet our climate objectives. Through the Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program, NRCan will invest approximately $4,5 billion through 2035 to advance smart renewable energy projects, including clean electricity, wind, solar, geothermal, storage, and grid modernization that will enable the clean grid of the future.

As part of implementing the Emissions Reduction Plan, NRCan will work with Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Indigenous Services Canada and other federal departments who support capacity building and clean energy projects in Indigenous, rural, and remote communities.

Canada’s Small Modular Reactor Action Plan will develop and deploy SMRs as a potential tool for emissions reduction within Canada and abroad. In addition, NRCan will invest $29.6 million over 4 years to fund research and development to address waste generated from SMRs and to develop Canadian supply chains for SMR manufacturing and SMR fuel supply.

To further support the energy transition, NRCan will advance Canada’s Hydrogen Strategy by working with stakeholders to advance the development of codes and standards across the vast and varied hydrogen value chain.

To advance zero emissions vehicles adoption, NRCan will fund the deployment of electric vehicle chargers and hydrogen refueling stations across Canada through the Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program. In addition, NRCan will implement the Clean Fuels Fund to grow clean fuel production capacity in Canada.

NRCan will also play a significant role in supporting Finance Canada to implement various tax measures that support manufacturing and adoption of clean technologies in the natural resources and energy sectors. This includes providing technical and engineering assistance for the Investment Tax Credit for Clean Technology, Hydrogen, Carbon Capture and Storage, Clean Electricity, and Clean Technology Manufacturing, as well as for certain classes of Accelerated Capital Cost Allowances.

NRCan will advance research, development and demonstrations of new clean energy technologies and solutions to accelerate energy systems transformation and ultimately help to reduce GHG emissions and achieve Canada’s net-zero goals.

Energy efficiency and the responsible use of energy are essential parts of a net-zero future. Initiatives span multiple sectors and target homes, buildings, communities, industry, transportation, appliances, and other equipment. In particular, NRCan will work with Indigenous organizations and governments, provinces, territories, municipalities and industry to chart a path to achieve a net-zero buildings sector and residential sector by 2050.

NRCan will strengthen bilateral and multilateral relationships with provinces and territories, and co-chair intergovernmental fora such as the Energy and Mines Ministers Conference (EMMC) to advance shared priorities related to the energy transition. In 2024, NRCan will co-chair the EMMC with Alberta.

In partnership with federal, provincial and territorial governments, and Indigenous groups the Regional Energy and Resource Tables will identify significant economic opportunities in each province and territory that will decarbonize electricity and increase clean technology adoption necessary in the transition to a low carbon economy. The Regional Tables will continue to identify where additional resources may be required and discuss better alignment across all levels of government to further develop a competitive resource driven economy.

In addition, the Government’s legislation on sustainable jobs will establish a federal governance, engagement, and accountability framework to advance economic prosperity and help ensure workers benefit from the opportunities presented by a low-carbon economy.

More information about Innovative and Sustainable Natural Resources Development can be found in the full departmental plan.

Core responsibility: Globally Competitive Natural Resource Sectors

Departmental results:

  • Access to new and priority markets for Canada’s natural resources is enhanced;
  • Canadians are engaged in the future of the new and inclusive resource economy;
  • Enhanced competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource sectors.

Planned spending:

2024–25 planned spending 2025–26 planned spending 2026–27 planned spending
$2,110,187,295 $1,995,341,379 $1,795,252,917

Planned human resources:

2024–25 planned full-time equivalents 2025–26 planned full-time equivalents 2026–27 planned full-time equivalents
618 582 533

Summary of plans:

To support the competitiveness of Canada’s natural resource sectors, it is important to lean into the modernization that comes with the transition to a low-carbon economy. The natural resource sectors of the future will be more innovative, inclusive, greener, and digital.

Canada is already positioned as a supplier of choice in natural resource sectors, such as critical minerals. Critical minerals are essential to clean technologies, such as batteries, that will help drive the transition to a net-zero-emissions future, and fighting climate change. To this end, the Department will lead and implement the Critical Minerals Strategy in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments, Indigenous groups, industry, and other Canadian and international partners and invest $1.5 billion through the Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund to support clean energy and electrification initiatives as well as transportation and infrastructure projects that will enable the sustainable development of Canada’s critical minerals. In addition, NRCan will further strengthen Canada’s position as a global leader in the critical minerals space with the Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan by bringing together federal, provincial, and territorial governments to promote industry competitiveness.

Energy security and affordability are at the forefront of international affairs. Conflicts around the world have exposed the vulnerability of global markets and impact the supply chains for many commodities and industries. Concurrently, countries around the world are racing to take advantage of the green industrial shift and a clean energy transition that offers significant new market opportunities and demands strong and secure supply chains. Building upon past work under the Government of Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy, NRCan’s international engagements in the region will contribute to strengthening supply chains and facilitating stronger business-to-business relationships, as well as the energy security transition efforts to our allies. We are working to advance collaboration with European partners, including with respect to cross-Atlantic hydrogen trade. We will continue to collaborate closely with the United States on key issues including critical minerals and nuclear energy. NRCan will contribute to increasing trade and investment in Canada’s natural resources sector by facilitating the participation of Indigenous business leaders in international trade and investment missions to key markets.

NRCan is supporting Canada’s objective to be a leader in the shift to a low carbon economy by utilizing resources, technology and experience to pursue opportunities that will drive job creation and economic growth, including by continuing to deliver its Science and Technology Internship Program-Green Jobs through the Government’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy. NRCan provides funding to eligible employers across Canada to create green jobs and training opportunities for youth in the natural resources sector, with the goal of de-risking the hiring of new and diverse talent.

As part of its efforts to advance economic reconciliation in the natural resources sector, NRCan will advance an Indigenous Loan Guarantee Program, as the cornerstone of a National Benefits-Sharing Framework, to help ensure Indigenous communities benefit from major resource projects.

More information about Globally Competitive Natural Resource Sectors can be found in the full departmental plan.

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