On-site hydrogen production for iron making

Project location: CanmetENERGY Ottawa, Ottawa, ON

Timeline: 2 years (2020 to 2022)

Program: Industry

Project description

Canada produces 13 million tonnes of steel annually, emitting 16 million tonnes of carbon dioxide and generating 3 million tonnes of slag as a by-product. The hot slag, ranging from 1450°C to 1650°C could be an ideal heat source for decarbonizing natural gas to produce hydrogen by pyrolysis. The hydrogen could provide 20-30% of the total reductant for the steel making process, thereby substantially reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

The scientific and engineering activities of the current project are to:

  1. assess the hydrogen production potential of the Canadian steel industry in more detail
  2. perform research, design, and modeling studies to assess the required equipment
From Heat to Green Power

Figure 1: Predicted hydrogen volume fraction in a proposed slag - natural gas reactor

Text version

The predicted hydrogen volume fraction in a proposed reactor, where natural gas is converted to hydrogen gas and solid carbon by pyrolysis using the energy from the high-temperature slag. This result shows that the proposed reactor is capable of effecting the conversion, as the hydrogen volume fraction is very high.

Contact CanmetENERGY in Ottawa

To learn more about this project, email our Business Office.

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