Partnering with CanmetMATERIALS

Contact Us

Connor Leroux
Senior Business Development Officer

Hitesh Jain
Director, Business, Policy & Planning

Industry, universities and other non-federal entities seeking technology solutions or research and development partnerships have a number of mechanisms available for engaging CanmetMATERIALS in research and technology partnerships. The mechanisms outlined below permit various types of partnering arrangements for non-federal entities to access technologies, unique facilities and the cutting-edge expertise resident within the laboratory.

Research Collaborations

CanmetMATERIALS has a program of highly collaborative research activities that supports Natural Resources Canada’s objectives (see Materials Research Areas). Almost all research activities are delivered in collaboration with industry and academic partners. Partners can work with CanmetMATERIALS on a cost-shared or task-shared basis, provide in-kind or direct resources, help shape research efforts and share the results of a jointly conducted research and development project. Contact us if you are working in similar areas and wish to collaborate.

Technology Solutions

CanmetMATERIALS can apply its resources and expertise to the specific needs of other federal agencies and non-federal entities such as industry. The lab can work with clients to help develop next-generation products, processes or services or to help find solutions to technological issues. Our research scientists, engineers and technicians will work directly with you to develop a statement of work, a timeline and a budget.

As long as the work being considered addresses CanmetMATERIALS’ mandate and does not place the lab in direct competition with the private sector, we can work with you to develop materials technology solutions.

Technical solutions are often provided under service agreements. Under such agreements, CanmetMATERIALS can provide short-term technical assistance, not including R&D, to organizations with technical problems requiring expertise that is not available commercially. The cost to the organization is the full cost of the lab’s effort. If the proposed activity is well defined and CanmetMATERIALS’ standard service agreement is used, an agreement generally can be executed within 5 to 10 working days.

Facility Access

CanmetMATERIALS is home to several large and unique research facilities that can be used by industry and research organizations to significantly advance their research projects. Our facilities provide a level of research and analysis that is out of the reach of most organizations.

Please note that health, safety and security are of the utmost importance. Comprehensive procedures are in place to ensure the safety of individuals and security of R&D work. Each proposal to access CanmetMATERIALS’ facilities is reviewed and is subject to approval by CanmetMATERIALS management.