Northern Forestry Centre (NoFC)

Since 1971, the Northern Forestry Centre (NoFC) team has conducted research to support sustainable forest management and the health of Canada’s forest ecosystems.

Research conducted at NoFC makes a major contribution to forestry issues of regional, national, and international significance, helping create science-based outcomes to inform sustainable forest management policy and practice. NoFC provides scientific data and information, knowledge, tools, and expert advice to the forest sector and to the public.

A large concrete building against a bright blue sky with two Canadian flags flying in front. Trucks and cars are parked in a lot in front of the building. A sign reads “Northern Forestry Centre / Centre de foresterie du Nord.”
Northern Forestry Centre office
building located in Edmonton.
A grey map of Canada with Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories and Nunavut highlighted in a teal blue colour.
Primary regions of Canada served by the Northern Forestry Centre through products, programs and services (AB, SK, MB, NWT and NU). Copyright ©

Based in Edmonton on Treaty 6 Territory, NoFC is one of five national research centres operated by the federal government’s Canadian Forest Service (CFS). The NoFC team serves a large area of Western and Northern Canada, including but not limited to, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.

NoFC research is often conducted in interdisciplinary teams and through collaboration with industry, provincial/territorial governments, other federal departments, Indigenous peoples, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academia, and other research organizations.

Research areas

Wildland fire

A selfie of six smiling people in high-visibility vests and rain jackets wearing bug nets over their heads. The background is a field of short grass and a stand of pine trees.
Some of our field researchers enjoying a very buggy summer studying wildfire in the Northwest Territories. Photo courtesy of Nicole Wozney.

The wildland fire team works with partners across the country to increase knowledge about wildland fires. NoFC also provides national-level information on current and forecasted fire conditions.

NoFC fire research, information systems and decision support tools, including Canada’s Wildland Fire Information System, improve the ability of Canada’s fire management agencies to predict and manage the risks and benefits associated with wildland fire.

NoFC works closely with the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) and the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) to develop and implement national-scale strategies for wildland fire management, prevention, and mitigation.

Climate change

The climate change team’s focus is on understanding the effects of climate change on Canada’s forests. This team’s research provides foundational knowledge that is critical for understanding and addressing the impacts of climate change on Canada’s forests and forest-based communities.

The climate change team’s work includes:

  • modelling forests as carbon sinks or sources
  • tracking and assessing the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems and biodiversity
  • using remote sensing tools like drones to better understand the changes in Canada’s forests (particularly in remote northern regions)
  • developing tools and strategies to support climate adaptation and mitigation in forest management

This team also leads outreach activities related to the CFS Carbon Budget Model, supports the Climate Impacts on Productivity and Health of Aspen (CIPHA) study, and houses the centre’s analytical laboratory and tree ring laboratory.

Ecosystem health science

Sound management of Canada’s forest ecosystem depends on comprehensive knowledge of the structure, composition, and function of boreal forests and of how they respond to natural processes and human-made disturbances. Our research focuses on understanding how forests respond to sustainable forest management techniques and the reclamation of forest ecosystems after energy development.

The ecosystem health science team’s current research projects examine forest health and responses to:

  • pests and diseases
  • mountain pine beetle ecology
  • forest biodiversity
  • vegetation ecology
  • woodland caribou recovery
  • forest reclamation techniques
  • biomass and biofuel supply
  • social aspects of forest management

This team works with a wide range of stakeholders and collaborators, including forestry and energy companies, academics, provincial and territorial governments, other federal departments and agencies (e.g., Parks Canada), private consultants, and non-profit organizations.

Connect with us

For media inquiries: Please email If you know the name of the researcher you wish to speak with, contact them directly using our staff directory.

For public outreach or speaking opportunities: Please email

5320-122nd Street
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T6H 3S5

Phone: 825-510-1154
Fax: 825-510-1119

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