National Tree Seed Centre codes

Legend of Seed Database Codes

Legend of Seed Database Codes

Table showing ten different codes used in the National Tree Seed Centre’s Database and a description of what those codes mean.
Code Description
NTSC Number Unique number assigned to an individual seedlot. The first 2 digits refer to year of collection. For seedlots collected after 1999, year of collection is represented by the first 4 digits.
Provenance Name of nearest identifiable geographic location to the collection site.
Collection B – bulked or general collection from more than one tree
(# ) – number of trees from which bulked collection was made
S – collection from a single tree
SQ – collection from squirrel cache
N/A – unknown collection type
Prov./State Canadian province or US state of collection (refer to Province Codes and State Codes, below)
Country Country of collection (refer to Country Codes, below)
Latitude Latitude of collection (in degrees and decimal minutes)
Longitude Longitude of collection (in degrees and decimal minutes)
Elevation Elevation of collection (in metres)
TSW Average weight (in grams) of 1000 seeds
Germination Result from the most recent germination test. If blank, no germination information is available.
Year Year of most recent germination test
Canadian Province Codes

Canadian Province Codes

Table showing the abbreviations used to represent Canada’s ten provinces and three territories in the National Tree Seed Centre’s database.
AB Alberta
BC British Columbia
MB Manitoba
NB New Brunswick
NL Newfoundland and Labrador
NS Nova Scotia
NT Northwest Territories
NU Nunavut
ON Ontario
PE Prince Edward Island
QC Quebec
SK Saskatchewan
YT Yukon Territory
USA State Codes

USA State Codes

Table showing the abbreviations used to represent the USA’s states in the National Tree Seed Centre’s database.
AK Alaska
AL Alabama
AR Arkansas
AZ Arizona
CA California
CO Colorado
CT Connecticut
DE Delaware
FL Florida
GA Georgia
HI Hawaii
IA Iowa
ID Idaho
IL Illinois
IN Indiana
KS Kansas
KY Kentucky
LA Louisiana
MA Massachusetts
MD Maryland
ME Maine
MI Michigan
MN Minnesota
MO Missouri
MS Mississippi
MT Montana
NC North Carolina
ND North Dakota
NE Nebraska
NH New Hampshire
NJ New Jersey
NM New Mexico
NV Nevada
NY New York
OH Ohio
OK Oklahoma
OR Oregon
PA Pennsylvania
RI Rhode Island
SC South Carolina
SD South Dakota
TN Tennessee
TX Texas
UT Utah
VA Virginia
VT Vermont
WA Washington
WI Wisconsin
WV West Virginia
WY Wyoming
Country Codes

Country Codes

Table showing the abbreviations used to represent approximately twenty-five different countries in the National Tree Seed Centre’s database.
ARG Argentina
BEL Belgium
BLR Belarus
CAN Canada
CHN China
CZE Czech Republic
DEU Germany
DNK Denmark
EST Estonia
FIN Finland
FRA France
GBR United Kingdom
ITA Italy
JPN Japan
LTU Lithuania
LVA Latvia
MKD Macedonia
ROM Romania
RUS Russian Federation
SUN Soviet Union
SVK Slovakia
SWE Sweden
TUR Turkey
USA United States
YUG Yugoslavia