Legend of Seed Database Codes
Legend of Seed Database Codes
Code | Description |
NTSC Number | Unique number assigned to an individual seedlot. The first 2 digits refer to year of collection. For seedlots collected after 1999, year of collection is represented by the first 4 digits. |
Provenance | Name of nearest identifiable geographic location to the collection site. |
Collection |
B – bulked or general collection from more than one tree (# ) – number of trees from which bulked collection was made S – collection from a single tree SQ – collection from squirrel cache N/A – unknown collection type |
Prov./State | Canadian province or US state of collection (refer to Province Codes and State Codes, below) |
Country | Country of collection (refer to Country Codes, below) |
Latitude | Latitude of collection (in degrees and decimal minutes) |
Longitude | Longitude of collection (in degrees and decimal minutes) |
Elevation | Elevation of collection (in metres) |
TSW | Average weight (in grams) of 1000 seeds |
Germination | Result from the most recent germination test. If blank, no germination information is available. |
Year | Year of most recent germination test |
Canadian Province Codes
Canadian Province Codes
AB | Alberta |
BC | British Columbia |
MB | Manitoba |
NB | New Brunswick |
NL | Newfoundland and Labrador |
NS | Nova Scotia |
NT | Northwest Territories |
NU | Nunavut |
ON | Ontario |
PE | Prince Edward Island |
QC | Quebec |
SK | Saskatchewan |
YT | Yukon Territory |
USA State Codes
USA State Codes
AK | Alaska |
AL | Alabama |
AR | Arkansas |
AZ | Arizona |
CA | California |
CO | Colorado |
CT | Connecticut |
DE | Delaware |
FL | Florida |
GA | Georgia |
HI | Hawaii |
IA | Iowa |
ID | Idaho |
IL | Illinois |
IN | Indiana |
KS | Kansas |
KY | Kentucky |
LA | Louisiana |
MA | Massachusetts |
MD | Maryland |
ME | Maine |
MI | Michigan |
MN | Minnesota |
MO | Missouri |
MS | Mississippi |
MT | Montana |
NC | North Carolina |
ND | North Dakota |
NE | Nebraska |
NH | New Hampshire |
NJ | New Jersey |
NM | New Mexico |
NV | Nevada |
NY | New York |
OH | Ohio |
OK | Oklahoma |
OR | Oregon |
PA | Pennsylvania |
RI | Rhode Island |
SC | South Carolina |
SD | South Dakota |
TN | Tennessee |
TX | Texas |
UT | Utah |
VA | Virginia |
VT | Vermont |
WA | Washington |
WI | Wisconsin |
WV | West Virginia |
WY | Wyoming |
Country Codes
Country Codes
ARG | Argentina |
BEL | Belgium |
BLR | Belarus |
CAN | Canada |
CHN | China |
CZE | Czech Republic |
DEU | Germany |
DNK | Denmark |
EST | Estonia |
FIN | Finland |
FRA | France |
GBR | United Kingdom |
ITA | Italy |
JPN | Japan |
LTU | Lithuania |
LVA | Latvia |
MKD | Macedonia |
ROM | Romania |
RUS | Russian Federation |
SUN | Soviet Union |
SVK | Slovakia |
SWE | Sweden |
TUR | Turkey |
USA | United States |
YUG | Yugoslavia |