Distributed energy resource assessment and technology development


CanmetENERGY research centre in Varennes, Quebec

The growing adoption of distributed energy resources (DER) plays an important role in grid modernization. DERs can include a variety of technologies such as solar photovoltaics (PV), energy storage systems, electric vehicles, and other controllable loads in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.

Our areas of focus

Integrating more DERs into the grid creates new opportunities for the electricity sector. For example, DERs can provide the flexibility needed to support additional renewables in a cost-effective way or they can offset the need for major investments in electricity generation and transmission.

Our team’s project on DER assessment and technology development focuses on the performance and potential assessment of DERs.

We currently seek to:

  • assess PV and building-integrated PV (BIPV) technologies in Canada by evaluating their performance and cost benefits across Canada, including in northern and remote communities
  • contribute to the development of standards and guidelines addressing PV and BIPV technologies
  • develop methods to characterize and map the flexibility potential of different types of loads in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors

Projects underway at CanmetENERGY in Varennes

In pursuit of these focus areas, our Centre is currently involved in the following activities:

Load flexibility potential in residential, commercial and industrial sectors

Our equipment and test benches

CanmetENERGY in Varennes conducts applied research aimed at facilitating the integration of distributed renewable energy sources to the electricity grid and to net-zero energy buildings in partnership with industry, university and utilities. To perform this work, our researchers use the following test benches and tools:

  • Rooftop PV array performance monitoring and laboratory module characterization facilities
  • Photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) testing facility
  • Grid simulator and power conversion equipment testing facility
  • Electric water heater testing facility

Featured item


Assessing the photovoltaic potential of the Canadian building stock

A new statistical method for assessing the technical potential of photovoltaics (PV) on rooftops in Canada and its provinces and territories is developed from detailed analyses of 11 municipalities across the country.

Browse the report


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Find out more about DER assessment and technology development