Developing low-temperature magnetohydrodynamics

Project location: CanmetENERGY Ottawa, Ottawa, ON

Timeline: 6 years (2016 to 2022)

Program: Industry

Project description

There are three parts to this project:

Part 1: Construct and test a pilot-scale facility to demonstrate a cost-effective Ericsson cycle that does not require a turbine and conventional generator, but instead uses refrigerant and liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The cycle is applicable to a variety of renewable and industrial heat sources, to produce power at a low temperature.

From Heat to Green Power

Figure 1: From Heat to Green Power

Text version

The low-temperature magnetohydrodynamic (LTMHD) system consists of two vertical loops: a liquid metal loop on the right, and a refrigerant loop on the left. The refrigerant loop drives the circulation of the liquid metal loop by injecting the refrigerant into the mixer, forming a gas-liquid metal two-phase mixture, and releasing the refrigerant at the top. In such a way, the liquid metal loop will circulate naturally and produce power through the MHD generator. The low-temperature heat is provided to the liquid metal loop so that a high heat transfer can be achieved.

Part 2: Carry out an experimental campaign on the performance and reliability of heat exchangers for capturing waste heat in harsh environments, especially erosive and corrosive ones.

Laboratory-scale research furnace

Figure 2: Laboratory-scale research furnace

Condensing heat exchanger for waste heat capture

Figure 3: Condensing heat exchanger for waste heat capture


Part 3: Develop cogeneration configurations that are integrated with a variety of power cycles and are able to use unconventional fuels. By doing so, we aim to help expand the industrial use of cogeneration.

Contact CanmetENERGY in Ottawa

To learn more about this project, email our Business Office.

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