CanmetMATERIALS’ Technical Capabilities

CanmetMATERIALS offers a wide range of technical capabilities to support the materials research it does for the benefit of Canadian industry.

Facilities and equipment include:

  • a metal-casting lab for melting and casting non-ferrous and ferrous alloys
  • a hot/cold rolling mill
  • a metal-forming lab
  • corrosion facilities
  • thermo-mechanical simulation
  • specialized physical testing and processing
  • mechanical testing and characterization
  • a welding lab
  • electron microscopes
  • integrated computational materials engineering

Detailed technical specifications
Read detailed technical specifications about the wide range of technical capabilities that CanmetMATERIALS offers to support materials research for Canadian industry.

Read about CanmetMATERIALS’ innovative casting facilities, which are used to provide solutions to challenges in the casting of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.

Metal forming
Learn about the variety of standard mechanical tests available in CanmetMATERIALS’ mechanical testing laboratory.

Mechanical testing
Learn about the variety of standard mechanical tests available in CanmetMATERIALS’ mechanical testing laboratory.

Welding and joining
Read about CanmetMATERIALS’ advanced welding and joining research and development capabilities, which have uses in oil and gas pipelines, transportation, power generation and defence.

Find out more about CanmetMATERIALS’ fleet of high-temperature, high-pressure autoclaves, supercritical water corrosion test loop, salt spray chambers, environment chambers and tensile test machines that incorporate environmental cells.

Physical simulation
Discover how CanmetMATERIALS uses physical simulation equipment to mimic real-world processes on a laboratory scale and monitor key responses of examined material to solve real-world production problems.

Integrated computational materials engineering
Learn how CanmetMATERIALS uses modelling and simulation to study structure-property relationships, mechanical responses of materials, and the behaviour of multi-phase materials over a range of length scales.

Advanced materials design and development
Find out how CanmetMATERIALS’ Advanced Materials Design and Development Lab designs and develops materials for new products and enhances product performance for industry and other government departments.

Read about CanmetMATERIALS’ state-of-the-art electron microscopes, which provide world-class characterization and micro-analytical capabilities, including high-end field-emission scanning electron microscopes (SEM), a dual-beam focused ion beam (FIB) microscope and a field-emission transmission electron microscope (TEM).