Bitumen upgrading and petroleum refining technologies

Our research and development (R&D) into bitumen upgrading and petroleum refining aims to increase bitumen value and market access and improve efficiency of refining operations, while reducing diluent use for pipeline transportation, and minimizing associated GHG emissions and other environmental impacts.

Our areas of focus

CanmetENERGY Devon’s Bitumen Upgrading and Petroleum Refining Technologies R&D program focuses on heavy oil/bitumen upgrading and petroleum refining technology development.  We work closely with the oil industry to:

  • Identify, develop and test upgrading and refining technologies: from bench to pilot scale. This allows industry to scale-up for pre-commercial demonstration and commercial implementation.  
  • Conduct pilot studies: utilize the knowledge gained through pilot studies to support field demonstration and decision making in commercialization of new upgrading and refining technologies.
  • Optimize upgrading and refining technologies: maximize economic benefits and minimize associated GHG emissions and other environmental impacts.

Bitumen upgrading and petroleum refining projects at CanmetENERGY Devon

Our current suite of R&D projects aims to increasing bitumen value and market access, while reducing diluent use for pipeline transportation.

Learn more about bitumen upgrading and refining technologies

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