This HTML document is not a form. Its purpose is to display the information as found on the forms for viewing purposes only and will not be accepted if used to apply with the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB). If you wish to submit a form, you must use only the PDF version, (142 kb).
When applying for NRCan NDTCB photo identification card renewal please provide 2 passport photographs.
Language: English ❏ Français ❏
Mr. □ Mrs. □ Ms □
Name(Surname/Given Names) ________________ /______________________
Card Reg #__________
City_____________ Province ______________ Postal Code___________
Tel. _____ _______________ Email: __________________________________
Date of Birth: YYYY________MM______DD______ Date: ___________________
Signature: (Please sign in the box below)
Present Employer: _____________________________________
Email: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
City: ___________________ Province: ___________Postal Code: __________________
Tel: _______________________________ Fax: ________________________
I attest that the information given on this form is accurate and the photographs attached are those of the applicant who signed this application form. NRCan may contact me to verify information related to this application.
Name: _____________________________ Signature: _________________________
(Please Print)
Date (YYYY/MM/DD): ______ /_____ /_____
Payable to Receiver General for Canada
**Personal cheques are not accepted for renewal**
Company Cheque □ Money Order □
Credit Card: □ Personal □ Company □ Visa/Mastercard □ Amex □
Cardholder Name_____________________________ Amount_______________________
(if personal/company name)
Card No. ____________________ Expiry Date____________
NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body
183 Longwood Road South
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 0A5
Tel.: 905-645-0653 or 1-866-858-0473
Fax: 905-645-0836
Email: Contact the NDT Office