Every year, floods affect populations across Canada. That's why the team of specialists at Natural Resources Canada update the Historical Flood Events layer with the most recent data available in the media. The addition of major floods, such as those that occurred in Manitoba in 2022, makes it possible to track the history of flooding since 1696. In all, 104 new events between June 2021 and June 2023 have been added. In total, over 7,400 events can be viewed via an interactive map.
Map of Canada showing data points for historical flood events. The dark points show the 7,311 existing data points, and the 104 orange points show the new data. A total of 2 new events were added in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan, 3 in Alberta, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories, 14 in Ontario, 38 in Manitoba and 39 in Quebec.
Map of Canada showing the number of historical flood events inventoried. More than 60 historical flood events have been inventoried in Quebec south of the St. Lawrence and in the Maritime provinces. The areas displayed using a colour gradient from the lightest colour showing with the least number of events inventoried to the darkest colour showing the most events.
For more information, please email geoinfo@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.