Geodetic reference systems in Canada

International Great Lakes Datum Update

This summer, surveyors from government agencies in Canada and the United States will be out in the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River region for a major six-week project collecting Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data at over 350 locations. Find out why.

For further information, see the Fact Sheets - IGLD Update and IGLD Survey Campaign.

Access the geodetic data, tools and information you need for positioning activities, such as land surveying, engineering, water management and more. We designed them with surveyors, geoscientists, engineers and other professionals in mind.

About the Canadian Spatial Reference System

Learn about the standards, models and tools that enable geospatial positioning in Canada.

Spatial reference system updates

Learn how we are improving the accuracy of Canada’s reference standard and read about the latest changes to our reference systems.

Geodetic tools and data

Use these tools and data to conduct accurate positioning, heights conversion and coordinate transformations.

Provincial geodetic contacts

Get contact information for provincial agencies across Canada that offer geodetic knowledge, products and services.


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