These are useful and practical tools if you work in mineral exploration, land use, infrastructure management and other fields that require knowledge about Canada’s landmass for effective management and climate change adaptation strategies.
Lexicon of Canadian Geological Names |
Access information about more than 16,000 published geological names used in Canada (in both lithological and chronological units) for legal or historical purposes. Members of Canada’s geological community contribute to this national, up-to-date lexicon by submitting information on incomplete, obsolete or missing information. |
BASIN Database |
BASIN contains a wealth of geological, geophysical and engineering information related to many years of petroleum exploration. Use it to get basic and interpreted information for most petroleum industry exploration wells (primarily offshore northern and eastern Canada) and locational data from a large number of seismic surveys. |
Geology, geophysical and geochemical
Canadian Geochemical Surveys |
If you work in mineral exploration or environmental baseline studies, you can use this database to search more than 1,300 regional geochemical surveys carried out across Canada, from the 1950s onward. It makes the raw data from 200 of them available in a standardized format. |
Geoscience Data Repository for Geophysical Data |
Browse and access magnetic, radiometric, electromagnetic and gravity data collected from over 1,100 surveys (mostly airborne) and compilations, additional geophysical data from over 460 boreholes and rocks. |
Groundwater Information Network (GIN) |
GIN connects a variety of groundwater information including water well databases, water monitoring data, aquifer and geology maps and related publications. Use it to improve your knowledge of groundwater systems and enhance your groundwater management practices. |
Permafrost Information Network (PIN) |
PIN connects a variety of permafrost data sources including geotechnical borehole databases and surficial geology maps. Web applications show data over a map of Canada. Boreholes can be selected to display available geotechnical, ground ice and ground thermal information. You can download selected data or complete databases for analysis and reference. |
You can also browse these pre-filtered topic results on Canada’s open data portal or search the entire collection:
Mapping tools
Expedition Database |
Use this database to access data related to marine and coastal field surveys. It’s a source of information on “Stations” where geological samples were collected, as well as a source of track-line navigation for marine geophysical profiles. |
Web Map Services for marine geoscience data |
A Web Map Service provides maps of geospatial data. Here, you can access different types of marine imagery including seismic, side scan and multibeam data. |
GeoCollections |
This database houses offshore and coastal samples and geophysical records collected from research cruises in Canada’s Atlantic. You can view detailed information on the screen or download a CSV text file. |
Hazards data
Browse these pre-filtered topic results on Canada’s open data portal and other Government of Canada web pages, or search the entire portal collection: