Renewing Your NRCan Photo ID for Certified EDO

New Electronic Payment System

The NDTCB has introduced an important update to its program for all users. An electronic payment system has been introduced to provide flexibility when applying for certification. Pre-authorized payment included with an application will still be processed. If payment is needed to process your application, you will receive a specific email from the NRCan NDTCB providing you with the appropriate payment link to our secure online payment system.

Once issued, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB) photo ID cards are valid for a period aligned with the validity of the CEDO certification card as issued by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). Shortly before your ID card expiry date, you need to renew your identification.

If you hold valid certification with the NRCan NDTCB as an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analyzer Operator or in one or more Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods, you should have a valid NRCan NDTCB photo ID card for those certifications. In this case, you will not be required to renew your NRCan NDTCB photo ID card for EDO certification, as your NRCan NDTCB certification photo ID card will be sufficient proof of ID.

Application form and fees

To apply for renewal of your NRCan NDTCB photo ID card, complete the application form and return it with two (2) passport-style photographs and the $120 renewal fee.

NRCan photo ID renewal form

Instructions for completing the photo identification renewal application form

Part 1: Photo verification

This section is to be completed and signed by a witness. The witness could be your supervisor, a bank employee, doctor or other professional person.

Part 2: Payment type

Identify your payment as a cheque, money order, or credit card (MasterCard or Visa) payment. Personal cheques are not accepted. If paying by credit card, print your name, card number, amount and expiry date. Money orders should be made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.

Passport photo instructions

The two passport-style photographs must:

  • measure 5 cm wide X 7 cm high (2 inches wide X 2-3/4 inches high)
  • be taken by a commercial photographer and be professionally printed on photographic paper
    • commercial photographer: may be provided through a retail location, photo studio, registered business/organization, or NDTCB accepted RTO/AEC.
  • be clear, sharp, in focus, and in full colour
  • be taken straight on with the face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera
  • reflect your current appearance (taken within the last twelve (12) months)
  • show your complete name, as well as the name and complete address of the photo studio and the date the photo was taken on the back of one photo
  • be submitted, via mail or courier

Self-taken and/or self-printed photographs and non-passport-style photographs will not be accepted. We may request additional photographs at any time if we deem previously submitted photographs unacceptable.

Mail your application to:

NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body
CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory
Natural Resources Canada
183 Longwood Road South, 1st Floor
Hamilton, ON  L8P 0A5

Tel.: 905-645-0653 / 1-866-858-0473
Fax: 905-645-0836
Email the NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body

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