For this Announcement of Opportunities for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 fiscal years (FY), the GeoConnections Program is focussing its funding on the development and implementation of innovative and standards-based solutions that contribute to the modernization of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (e.g., utilizing emerging technologies such as GeoAI, digital twins, etc.). This can include projects that will enable the future use or integration of emerging technologies in geospatial solutions, including: pilot projects to test feasibility, requirements gathering, promising methodologies, development of digital infrastructure, workflows and processes that are required to operationalize these innovative and standards-based solutions.
In addition to selecting projects that will pursue the above theme, preference will be given to proposals:
- aiming to address Indigenous geospatial issues or that have Indigenous collaborators;
- that are scalable across the CGDI.
GeoConnections is aiming to fund four (4) projects over two fiscal years (2025-2027) and provide a total of $250,000 per Project. Each Project will receive $125,000 per fiscal year. Proponents will not be funded for more than one Project.
GeoConnections will only fund cost-shared Projects. GeoConnections will fund a maximum of ninety percent (90%) of Total Project Costs. The Proponent and its Collaborators must contribute the remaining ten percent (10%) of Total Project Costs. Total federal government assistance, including the amount requested from GeoConnections, cannot exceed 90 percent of Eligible Expenditures.
Interested proponents are invited to submit a Proposal to GeoConnections no later than January 14, 2025 - 23:59, Pacific Standard Time
Download the Announcement of Opportunities documentation (PDF, 8.17 MB)
A Microsoft Word version of the Proposal Template is available upon request:
Frequently Asked Questions
How much can be applied for?
- GeoConnections will fund four (4) projects over two fiscal years (2025-2027) and provide a total of $250,000 per Project. Each Project will receive $125,000 per fiscal year.
- GeoConnections will fund a maximum of ninety percent (90%) of Total Project Costs. The Proponent and its Collaborators must contribute the remaining ten percent (10%) of Total Project Costs.
Who Can Submit a Project Proposal?
Proponents must be one of the following types of legal entities:
- Individual;
- Canadian profit and non-profit organization;
- Corporations;
- Industry and their associations;
- Research associations;
- Academic institutions;
- Provincial, Territorial, Regional, Municipal and Rural government departments, agencies and;
- Crown Corporations as set out in Schedule III, Part 2 of the Financial Administration Act
What is the Process?
To apply, follow these steps:
- The Proponent reviews the requirements and criteria for funding contained in the GeoConnections Program Announcement of Opportunities Project Guidelines FYs 2025-2027.
- The Proponent prepares and submits a project proposal using the Proposal Template contained in the GeoConnections Program Announcement of Opportunities Project Guidelines FYs 2025-2027. Only fully complete proposals using the template provided by GeoConnections will be evaluated.
- GeoConnections evaluates all completed proposals* and enters into contribution agreements with the top four scoring Proponents.
*Please note that proposals must pass each of the mandatory criteria in order to be eligible for funding.
Deadline to Submit Proposals
January 14, 2025 – 23:59 Pacific Standard Time