Natural Resources Canada research centres, labs and satellite stations across Canada.
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
Canada's largest centralized Earth observation research and development group.
CanmetCERL explosives lab
From testing whether an explosives product is fit for use to reducing the effects of accidental or terrorist blasts.
CanmetENERGY research centres
Canada's leading research and technology organization in the field of clean energy.
Materials and manufacturing innovation at CanmetMATERIALS
Research and innovation in the production of sustainable materials and processes to support Canadian industry
Mining research and innovation at CanmetMINING
Research on critical minerals, technologies for improved efficiencies, climate change adaptation and mitigation
Forestry research centres and forests
The Canadian Forest Service conducts regional and national forest research activities at many different locations across the country.
Geological Survey of Canada
Canada’s national organization for geoscientific information and research.
Satellite Ground Segment
3 satellite stations strategically located across Canada work together with an Earth Observation Data Management System.
Surveyor General Branch Offices
Contact your regional branch with Survey inquiries.
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Innovative research and development in the collection and sharing of geospatial data.
Canada’s Research Centre Facilities
Find out about government research centres across the country and opportunities to partner with and access these facilities for your research.
Learn about the Government of Canada's scientists and professionals
Access the consolidated directory of more than 1200 scientists and research professionals from 17 government institutions.