Pipeline Facts

Image of pipeline

Pipeline Safety Fact Sheets

Pipelines are a safe, efficient and reliable way to move Canadian energy to consumers. Click on the fact sheets below to learn more about pipeline safety in Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pipelines in Canada

Who regulates pipelines in Canada? How safe are they? How do Canadians benefit? Learn more about Canada’s extensive pipeline network and how it is managed.

The Canada Energy Regulator and Pipeline Regulation

The Role of the Canada Energy Regulator (formerly the National Energy Board)

The Hearing Process and how to Participate

The Participant Funding Program

Research on Corrosivity

Comparing the Corrosivity of Crude Oils

Using the Rotating Cage Method to simulate pipeline operating conditions in the laboratory, Natural Resources Canada researchers conducted experiments to evaluate the corrosivity of crude oil under worst-case conditions.

Corrosion Conditions in the Path of Bitumen

Due to corrosive and erosive materials being removed upstream of the pipelines and the operating conditions of pipelines resulting in corrosive species (naphthenic acid and sulphur) not influencing corrosion, the possibility of corrosion in the oil transmission pipelines was found to be low.

Third Party Research

Scientists from the National Academy of Sciences in the United States and Alberta Innovates have also examined the corrosivity of bitumen crude and conventional sources.


Effects of Diluted Bitumen on Crude Oil Transmission Pipelines (United National Academy of Sciences)