Analytical services

Our standardized and specialized analytical services offer support to internal/external research and development (R&D) and industrial operations.

Our areas of focus

CanmetENERGY Devon’s Analytical Services team dedicates its effort to perform standard and customized tests to support internal and external work. We make every effort to:

Provide rapid, accurate analysis to support pilot testing conducted on site.

Provide accurate analysis for external clients to support their R&D and commercial operation activities.

Provide customized solutions to analysis problems arising from R&D activities.

Analytical Services at CanmetENERGY Devon

CanmetENERGY Devon’s Analytical Services team specializes in analysis of samples related to the petroleum industry. The team performs hydrocarbon, solids and water analyses, as well as analysis of multiphase systems and geotechnical properties.

Learn more about Analytical Services

Equipment/test Example of use
GC-SCD Sulphur distribution by boiling point
GCxGC-SCD Sulphur speciation in diesel and VGO samples
GC-GC-SCD H2S in crude oil by heartcutting GC-GC-SCD
GC-NCD Nitrogen distribution by boiling point
GCxGC-NCD Nitrogen speciation in diesel and VGO samples
Refinery Gas Analyser Quantitation of fixed gasses and C1-C6 hydrocarbons
GCxGC-FID Hydrocarbon speciation in diesel and VGO samples
GC-VUV ASTM D8071 PIONA analysis in gasoline
GC-FID PFT solvent composition
Detailed hydrocarbon analysis Can/CGSB-3.0 14.3. Quantitation of species in gasoline
GCxGC-TOFMS Hydrocarbon speciation in bio-crude samples
HPLIS-GC-FID ASTM D8003 heated and pressurized injection of live crude oil for C1-C25 quantitation
Pyrolysis-GC-MS Identification of thermal degradation products from biomass samples
HS-GC-MS Determination of volatile organics
600mHz NMR Quantitation of olefins in oil, hydrocarbon types analysis of asphaltenes
Simulated distillation ASTM D2887 and ASTM D7169 boiling point distribution of hydrocarbon liquids
FTIR Carbonyl content in oil
Fouling propensity Alcor HLPS testing for fouling rate of crude oils and related products
Compatibility Wiehe method for compatibility and stability of oils (P-Value)
C5/C7 insoluble ASTM D4055M/ASTM D3279 asphaltene content in oil
NIR probe Asphaltene content by near infrared detection
Toluene insoluble ASTM D4870 Solids and coke content in oil
Micro carbon residue ASTM D 4530 Estimated coke formation of oil
Density ASTM D4052, ASTM D70 density of oils and residues
Softening point ASTM D36, point at which a residue begins to flow
Penetration point ASTM D5, measure of hardness of a pitch or residue
KF Titration ASTM D4377 water content in hydrocarbons
Bromine number ASTM D1159 estimate of the olefinic content of an oil
Diene number UOP 326-08 estimate of the di-olefinic content of an oil
Molecular weight by FPD Molecular weight of a distillate
Molecular weight by VPO Molecular weight of a residue
TAN ASTM D8045 total acid number of a hydrocarbon sample
Viscosity ASTM D7042, ASTM D5018,ASTM D445 viscosity of hydrocarbons
Aniline point ASTM D611 estimate of aromaticity in diesel samples
CHN ASTM D5291C carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen content of combustible samples
Sulphur content (combustion) ASTM D1552 total sulphur content of combustible samples
Sulphur content (XRF) ASTM D4294 total sulphur content of liquid hydrocarbons
Nitrogen content (combustion) ASTM D4629 total nitrogen content of liquid hydrocarbons
ICP-MS ASTM D8110 metals content in hydrocarbons by dilution
Oxygen content (pyrolysis) Total oxygen content of combustible samples
SARA D2007M saturates, aromatics,resins asphaltenes determination by open column chromatography
Olefins content (SPE) Separation and quantitation of olefins in a saturates fraction
Spinning band distillation Fractionation of crude oil into fuel cuts
Pot still distillation Fractionation of crude oil at low temperature to avoid cracking sulphur species
Short path distillation Fractionation of atmospheric residues to cut points greater than 500°C
BS&W ASTM D1796 bottom solids and water in oil
Ash ASTM D482 ash content of oils
DSC Heat capacity of hydrocarbon
Raman spectroscopy Functional group analysis of oils


Equipment/test Example of use
Dean-Stark extraction Determination of bitumen, solids and water in ore samples
XRF Metals content in solids such as dry tailings
XRD Identification and quantitation of clays in MFT
Density Density by He pycnometry
Particle size (sieve) Size fraction distribution of tailings by wet or dry sieve
Particle size (light scattering) Particle size distribution of tailings
Particle size (X-Ray absorbtion) Particle size distribution of clay
Moisture content Oven or microwave drying to determine moisture in MFT
Methylene blue titration Estimate of clay content
Light microscopy Image analysis, semi-quantitative compositional analysis, correlative microscopy
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Analyses of surface topography and morphology of materials and elemental composition
HS-GC-MS Determination of volatile organics
BET Pore size and surface area measurements
TGA Moisture and Ash content of soil
DSC Melting point
GPC Polymer size analysis
ICP-MS-Digestion Metals in soil and tailings
ICP-OES Fusion Metals in soil and tailings
TOC Organic carbon content in soil samples
Cryo-milling Liquid nitrogen cooled size reduction


Equipment/test Example of use
Ion chromatography Anion content in aqueous samples
ICP-OES Cation content in aqueous samples
ICP-MS-MS Major and trace metals in aqueous samples
TOC Organic carbon content in aqueous samples
HS-GC-MS Determination of volatile organics
Turbidity Process water clarity
Alkalinity Carbonate content and total alkalinity
pH/conductivity pH and conductivity or aqueous samples
LC-QTRAP Organic profile of aqueous samples


Multiphase systems
Equipment/test Example of use
Rheology Viscosity of MFT and fluid tailings
Interfacial tension Measurement of adhesion or repulsion forces of oil with water or solids
Micro-calorimetry Determination of enthalpy of mixing
GC-FID Solvent content in fluid tailings
Rotovap Solvent to bitumen ratio in PFT dil-bit


Equipment/test Example of use
Vane shear test ASTM D4648 vane shear test for saturated fine-grained clayey soil
Fall cone test Shear strength of soil using fall cone
One-dimensional consolidation ASTM D2435 one-dimensional consolidation properties of soils using incremental loading
Direct shear test ASTM D3080 direct shear test of soils under consolidated load drained conditions
Large strain consolidation Consolidation of large volume change soils and slurries with permeability measurement using upward flow constant head
Soil water characteristic curve ASTM D6836 determination of SWCC using pressure extractor and Tempe cell
Liquid and plastic limits ASTM D4318 liquid limit by fall cone or Cassagrande method. Plastic limit by hand rolling

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