Project location: CanmetENERGY Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
Timeline: 3 years (2019 to 2022)
Program: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
Project description
Our team is performing system-scale modeling and techno-economic analysis of scenarios for hydrogen production and CO2 conversion, in energy/emission-intensive industrial facilities. We are also developing a pilot-scale test platform in order to develop and verify processes to convert CO2 to fuels and chemicals. This platform will be used to test and validate various catalysts and adsorbents for CO2 conversion and gas separation that can increase the yield of the conversion processes under study. For this, we are collaborating with our research counterparts at universities and other institutions such as the National Research Council (NRC).
Contact CanmetENERGY in Ottawa
To learn more about this project, email our Business Office.