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Multi-Partner Research Initiative

The application period for the Indigenous-led research MPRI call for proposals closed on May 31, 2024.

Under Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan, the Multi-Partner Research Initiative (MPRI) will provide $30.3 million over 5 years to draw upon the expertise and experience of oil spill experts in Canada and abroad. The MPRI was first launched in 2016 and renewed in 2022. Prior to 2022, the MPRI was led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, but has since been transferred to Natural Resources Canada.

Our goal

We aim to improve oil spill response tools and techniques and inform decisions that minimize the environmental impacts of oil spills.

How we get there

The MPRI supports collaboration among leading oil spill experts to fill knowledge gaps to improve our understanding and response capabilities in coastal, marine, and freshwater environments. Activities under the initiative also aim to increase knowledge about the potential impacts of spills on organisms, develop new technologies for clean-up, and support science-based decisions that minimize damage to the environment and enhance habitat recovery.

Under the MPRI, we collaborate with Indigenous and coastal communities, regulatory agencies, response organizations, and oil spill experts from government, industry, and academia. MPRI project networks are training the next generation of oil spill scientists and responders.

Research projects

A list of Multi-Partner Research Initiative-funded projects is now available. This list contains project descriptions, timeframes, lead organizations and funding amounts.

For more information

To learn about NRCan’s Multi-Partner Research Initiative and future collaborations at CanmetENERGY Devon, follow us on social media or contact our team.

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