Status: This competitive Call for Proposals is now open. The Green Freight Program will accept proposals up until June 2, 2025, at 11:59 pm EDT.

Call for proposals

For this Call for Proposals, Stream 2 of the Green Freight Program will be providing cost-shared, non-repayable contributions for eligible projects through Contribution Agreements towards the following three project and funding activity types:

The objective of Stream 2 of the Green Freight Program is to encourage Canadian freight companies to make data-driven investment decisions through the implementation of energy-efficient improvements for their fleets. This program aims to support industry in identifying pathways for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from on-road freight vehicles by adopting, purchasing and implementing new technologies and logistical best practices across Canadian freight fleets.

Eligible applicants are welcome to submit multiple project proposals. Proposals can include one, two or all three of the above listed project and funding activity types.

Ready to get started?

Get started by downloading the application form:

Download the Application Form


Do you have more questions about how to fill out the application form?

Consult the Guide to filling out the application form

Contact us

During the application period, program employees and review committee members are not at liberty to meet with applicants, discuss program details, or answer specific questions related to their projects.

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