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Canada Greener Homes Initiative Update - May 29, 2023

We will soon be marking the second anniversary of the launch of the Canada Greener Homes Grant, as important discussions around climate change and resilience continue. Recent developments since our last update include the launch of a $250 million investment for the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability (OHPA) Program, and a new co-delivery partnership in Ontario.

Operating under the banner of the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, the Grant and the Canada Greener Homes Loan work together to help more homeowners across the country lower their energy costs, make their homes more comfortable, and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

CGHI by the numbers as of April 30, 2023

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As of April 30, 2023

A total of over 310,000 grant applications have been received through the national portal and our co-delivery partners in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.

$262 million in grants issued to over 66,200 homeowners nationally.

Over 18,000 loan applications received by CMHC with an average eligible amount approaching $24,000.

The top five retrofits across Canada are:

  • windows and doors
  • heat pumps
  • air sealing
  • home insulation
  • solar panels

“Owning a 32 year old house with original doors and windows, we were not planning to take on the very large expense of replacing all of them. However, we knew they were the number one factor contributing to our high monthly utility bills. The Greener Homes Grant and Loan helped cover most of the upfront cost of the work, with manageable interest free payments going forward.” - Blake, Ontario homeowner

Summary of important updates

Support for homes making the transition away from oil heat

The Oil to Heat Pump Affordability (OHPA) Program is a new incentive launched in 2023 to support Canadian homeowners transition away from oil heating to more energy efficient methods. As of March 31, applications for OHPA are now open. On average, homeowners who switch from oil to cold-climate air source heat pumps to heat their homes would save between $1,500 and $4,700 per year on home energy bills.

The OHPA Program is designed to benefit low-to-median-income Canadian households currently relying on oil heat, many of which are located in Atlantic Canada. Eligible homeowners will be able to combine up to $5,000 from the OHPA Program with funding from existing federal, provincial, territorial and utility programs, including up to $5,000 from the Canada Greener Homes Grant. Learn more about the OHPA Program.

Uptake of the Canada Greener Homes Loan

The Canada Greener Homes Loan launched in the summer of 2022 and made available interest free loans of up to $40,000, repayable over 10 years. As of April 30, 2023, CMHC has received more than 18,000 loan applications across Canada with an average eligible loan amount approaching $24,000. The Greener Homes Loan provides homeowners an opportunity to undertake deeper retrofits recommended by an energy advisor, such as solar panels and heat pumps. Learn more about the loan eligibility criteria.

Reducing wait times for Canada Greener Homes Grant participants

We understand homeowners are eager to complete their Grant process quickly, and to see the impact of their retrofits on their energy use and costs. The time between a homeowner receiving their pre-retrofit report to their Grant being approved continues to decrease steadily year over year; currently taking about a quarter of the time compared to when the Grant was first launched. Supporting the high demand and volume of applications continues to be of utmost importance.

Natural Resources Canada works with service organizations and energy advisors across the country to help ensure all homeowners, regardless of where they live, have timely and equitable access to an EnerGuide home evaluation as part of the Canada Greener Homes Initiative. To help fill capacity gaps in service areas where an energy advisor is not readily available, or the costs of travel to that area is prohibitive to homeowners living in rural or remote communities, NRCan has reimbursed energy advisors for their travel costs. Since Fall 2021, this funding has helped to serve 199 communities in need and supported the completion of 703 EnerGuide home evaluations in rural and remote communities.

Information, including answers to commonly asked questions, is available on our website. Further support for homeowners who may be experiencing difficulties with their application or finding a service organization is available through our service agents by email at or by phone from Mondays to Fridays 8am-8pm ET at 1-833-674-8282 (TTY: 1-800-465-7735).

The Canada Greener Homes Initiative is committed to helping homeowners save money and reduce their environmental impact, while creating good jobs across Canada. Together, our combined efforts will help to accelerate our transition to a net zero future and reflect the government’s commitment to making life more affordable for Canadians while fighting climate change from coast to coast to coast.

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