Canada Greener Homes Grant – Quebec


Helping you save energy and make your home more comfortable

The Canada Greener Homes Initiative is co-delivered by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and the Government of Quebec, through the Rénoclimat program.

Grants are provided to eligible homeowners for recommended and eligible retrofits such as home insulation, windows and doors, heat pumps and renewable energy systems.

While the Canada Greener Homes Grant is closed to new applicants, there are currently other programs available throughout Canada which can help you make your home more energy efficient. To explore other funding opportunities, visit:

Combined grants from $125 to $5,000
To get back a portion of your costs for eligible home retrofits through the Rénoclimat program and the Canada Greener Homes Grant
Up to $600
As a maximum contribution toward the total costs of your pre- and post retrofit EnerGuide evaluations

NOTE: This information is intended only for existing applicants residing in Quebec.

Existing applicants living in the following locations should refer to their listed webpage for more information:

I’m an existing applicant

Quebec homeowners with active applications must continue through Rénoclimat program to continue their journey.

Learn more about Rénoclimat

How the process works

The Quebec homeowner journey for existing applicants

NOTE: The registration period for the Canada Greener Homes Grant is closed in the province of Quebec
Visit Rénoclimat for more information
STEP 2A: Pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation
Prioritize your renovations
STEP 2B: Interest-free loan (optional)
Apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan
STEP 3: Retrofit your home
Consult your Renovation Upgrade Report (RUR)
STEP 4: Post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation
Your energy advisor will send you the documents by email or mail.
STEP 5: Receive your funding from Rénoclimat
Your journey with Rénoclimat is complete
Your file is transferred to NRCan
STEP 6: NRCan will contact you
Send NRCan all requested documents
STEP 7: NRCan confirms funding decision
NRCan will send you an email
STEP 8: Receive your Canada Greener Homes Grant
Enjoy the benefits and savings of a greener home

Journey to access your Canada Greener Homes Grant

When your grant journey with Rénoclimat is completed, you will receive an email from NRCan informing you that your application was submitted for consideration under the Canada Greener Homes Grant federal program. Due to privacy and protection of personal information laws, NRCan will need to seek your consent to review your retrofit documentation and will need to collect your retrofit invoices.

Please respond to the NRCan email as soon as possible with the following information:

  • your completed and signed Consent and Declaration Form
  • all invoices for your retrofits

In case NRCan requires additional information to complete the review of your grant application, you are asked to keep and make available the following documentation:

  • your Renovations Upgrade Report (RUR)
  • your pre- and post-retrofit evaluation EnerGuide labels

The grant review will only start once all required documents are received by NRCan.

When the grant review is completed, you will receive an email from NRCan confirming the final Canada Greener Homes Grant amount decision. Eligible recipients will receive a cheque by mail through Canada Post.

3 tips to help you when submitting documents to NRCan by email

  • Tip 1 – Clearly indicate your name and application number in the email subject line. When submitting your documentation, indicate your name and your application number in your email’s subject line. Doing so expedites the triage and processing of emails.
  • Tip 2 – Limit the size of your file attachment(s). If you are submitting multiple or large attachments (over 5 MB), we strongly recommended that you zip your documents into a single folder or submit the documents in a series of emails to avoid processing issues. If sending a series, add how many emails you are sending in the subject line of the email for ease in the triage, for example, “Email 1 of 4, Email 2 of 4,” etc.
  • Tip 3 – Check your spam folder! If you have not received an email from NRCan during your journey with the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, please check your spam or junk folder. If the email ended up in one of these folders, add the email to your trusted senders folder or mark the email as “not junk.” This way, our future emails will go directly to your inbox.

Unsolicited phone calls or door-to-door visits—Remain vigilant!

NRCan has not approved any third parties to make unsolicited contact with homeowners to register for or participate in the Canada Greener Homes Grant. The Government of Canada, NRCan and its family of brands (ENERGY STAR, EnerGuide) never solicit over the telephone, or by email or go door-to-door asking to enter Canadians’ homes to inspect, sell, or rent heating and cooling products. EnerGuide home energy evaluations are performed by licensed service organizations only at the request of homeowners. Learn how to recognize energy scams.

Need a loan for your retrofit?

The Canada Greener Homes Loan offers interest-free loans of up to $40,000 to help Canadians make their homes more energy efficient and comfortable. Homeowners are required to complete a pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation to participate in the program. Only retrofits that are recommended by an energy advisor and that have not yet been started are eligible.

Learn more about how to apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan

Contact us

Business hours
Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time)

Grant inquiries
Phone: 1-833-674-8282
TTY: 1-800-465-7735

Loan inquiries
Phone: 1-866-292-9517

Social media
Follow @NRCan for the latest updates


The Canada Greener Homes Initiative is committed to providing a barrier-free application process. We encourage you to advise us of any accommodations you may need. Please contact us either by email, toll-free number or TTY and we will happily assist you.