R-2000 standard for builders

The standard for energy efficiency in new construction

R-2000 is a voluntary standard developed by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) in collaboration with Canada's residential construction industry.

R-2000 promotes the use of affordable, energy-efficient building practices and techniques, clean air features and other measures to help protect the environment. Certified R-2000 homes are on average 50 percent more energy-efficient than typical new homes.

Become a licensed R-2000 builder

You must be licensed by the Government of Canada to qualify as an R-2000 builder and to apply to have your homes R-2000 certified.

Follow these steps to get your license:

  1. Contact a licensed service organization.
  2. Discuss training and licensing requirements with the service organization.
  3. Sign a licensing agreement with NRCan once these requirements are fulfilled.
  4. Attend an R-2000 builder workshop delivered across Canada by professional trainers. The workshop covers the standard’s technical requirements, including barrier systems, air-sealing techniques, and mechanical systems. You will also learn about the R-2000 quality assurance process.
  5. Build an R-2000 demonstration home. The home must be built, inspected by a third-party energy advisor and certified by the Government of Canada within two years of completing the builder workshop.

To remain licensed you must:

  • Continue to meet all licensing requirements and have an active, up-to-date licensing agreement with NRCan.
  • Build at least one R-2000 certified house every three years.
  • Attend the R-2000 builder update workshop every two years.

The benefits of licensing

Innovation — Build your homes using leading-edge technologies.

Leadership — Stay a step ahead of building codes and get recognition as a best-in-class builder who is helping to transform the housing market in Canada.

Quality — Build to a respected standard that offers your clients third-party verification by an energy advisor and provides them with an R-2000 certificate issued by the Government of Canada.

Marketability — Appeal to value- and environmentally conscious consumers with homes that are 50 percent more energy efficient than many other new homes.

Professional support — Access more than 35 years of energy efficiency R&D in new construction, as well as ongoing training in building science.