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ENERGY STAR for Buildings

ENERGY STAR high efficiency - haute efficacité

ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® Celebrates 10 Years in Canada

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This year marks the 10th anniversary of Natural Resources Canada’s collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the Canadian adaption of ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager! Launched in August 2013, this benchmarking tool was adapted to include Canadian weather, postal codes, both official languages, the metric system, and data specific to Canada.

Check out our Recognition and Awards web page for details on the different events taking place this year to celebrate this milestone.


About energy benchmarking

Learn the benefits of managing your building’s energy performance.

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®

Monitor, rate and optimize your buildings’ energy use with our secure online benchmarking tool.


Learn about ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® performance scores and how it is calculated.

Technical reference documents

Learn about the technical methodology behind the ENERGY STAR score and how ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager accounts for factors such as climate and weather, green power, and greenhouse gas emissions.

ENERGY STAR certification for buildings in Canada

Find out if your building type is eligible for ENERGY STAR certification, and how to apply.

Registry of ENERGY STAR certified buildings in Canada

Consider applying for ENERGY STAR certification, if you would like your building to be featured in this registry.

ENERGY STAR multifamily high-rise pilot program

Join the pilot program in Ontario for new construction and lower your operating costs with superior energy performance.

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® data snapshots

Information on Canadian buildings using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®.

Canadian circle of champions

Read case studies on how energy benchmarking is essential to realizing success.

Benchmarking – frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Consult our FAQ’s to see if your question has been answered.

ENERGY STAR Recognition and Awards

Learn about how you can get recognition for your building’s superior energy performance.


For more information, contact

Meet the ENERGY STAR family

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