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Recommissioning (RCx) optimizes existing buildings to improve occupant comfort and save energy.

Substantial Savings

Building RCx can yield energy savings of 5 to 15% with a typical payback of less than three years in most cases. Annual savings can sometimes reach 30%.

RCx is one of the most economical ways to improve a building’s performance because it:

  • optimizes energy efficiency
  • optimizes building operations
  • improves peak building energy demand management
  • ensures the sustainable development and operation of buildings
  • improves business strategies

A Range of Tools and Services

To properly conduct an RCx project, CanmetENERGY offers a range of tools and services for engineers, managers, owners and stakeholders of institutional and commercial buildings.

To learn more about RCx:

To implement an RCx project:

Persistence of RCx Benefits

A building’s optimal performance after recommissioning can be maintained through persistence strategies such as training superintendants, monitoring energy bills, ongoing commissioning, energy management information systems and automatic diagnostics, such as the DABOTMcontinuous building optimization software program. The use of these strategies can reduce the time required to detect problems and the related costs and make it easier in the long term to maintain energy savings and commissioning efforts, which results in increased effectiveness and performance of the building’s electromechanical systems.

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