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Recommissioning Data Collection Form

Recommissioning (RCx) optimizes existing buildings to improve occupant comfort and save energy. CanmetENERGY is currently developing an RCx projects database.

We encourage you to add data from your own RCx projects by simply download the data entry form below. Enter your data and return the form by email to the address indicated into the form. These data will be added to the RCx projects database and could also serve to produce new RCx standardized case studies.

Download the recommissioning (RCx) data collection form (XLS, 1.6 MB) 

The data collected should target RCx activities and related benefits in a manner that is isolated from other activities that are not strictly related to RCx (e.g. energy efficiencies measures). For additional information, please refer to the RCx Guide for Building Owners and Managers.

Main References

*This link leads to a registration form that you should fill in and submit, if not already done. Once the form is submitted, the download of the file will start.

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