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2021 to 2022 Fees Report

Fiscal year 2021–22

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, P.C., M.P. Minister of Natural Resources

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Natural Resources, 2022

Catalogue No. M2-21E-PDF
ISSN 2562-1300
(PDF - 578 KB)

This document is available on the Government of Canada website at

This document is available in alternative formats upon request.

Table of contents

Minister’s message

On behalf of Natural Resources Canada, I am pleased to present our report on fees for fiscal year 2021–22, my organization's fifth annual report under the Service Fees Act.

This year’s report outlines the department’s progress in modernizing fee management in accordance with the Act.

The Service Fees Act provides a modern legislative framework that ensures cost-effective delivery of services and, through better reporting to Parliament, improves transparency and oversight. It also enables us to provide services that support our resource sectors doing business in Canada to the benefit our people, communities, and the environment.

Natural Resources Canada does this through has fees that are set by contract or regulations, as required by legislation or to support delivering on the department’s mandate. The sources of the fees include explosive licence and inspection, air photo, forest services products, non-destructive testing certification body services, certified reference material project products and fees set by individual contract.

This fiscal report details those charges for the past year. It provides specifics on each of the fees under the department’s authority, including the type and rate of adjustment, the service standard, and the performance result. It also includes information on the remission policy, which became effective on April 1, 2021, as well as the reporting of remissions made under this policy.

I invite you to review this year’s report, which further advances our key objective of open and transparent fee management.

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, PC, MP.
Minister of Natural Resources

About this report

This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act, the Low Materiality Fees Regulations, and subsection 4.2.8 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees Natural Resources Canada had the authority to set in fiscal year 2021–22.

The report covers fees that are subject to the Service Fees Act and exempted from the Service Fees Act.

For reporting purposes, fees are categorized by fee-setting mechanism. There are three mechanisms:

  1. Act, regulation or fees notice
    • The authority to set these fees is delegated to a department, minister or Governor in Council pursuant to an act of Parliament.
  2. Contract
    • Ministers have the authority to enter into contracts, which are usually negotiated between the minister and an individual or organization, and which cover fees and other terms and conditions. In some cases, that authority may also be provided by an act of Parliament.
  3. Market rate or auction
    • The authority to set these fees is pursuant to an act of Parliament or a regulation, and the minister, department or Governor in Council has no control over the fee amount.

For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each fee. For fees set by contract, the report provides totals only.

Although the fees Natural Resources Canada charges under the Access to Information Act were subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on Natural Resources Canada’s access to information fees for 2021–22 is in our Annual report to Parliament on the administration of the Access to Information Act.


In 2021–22, Natural Resources Canada was subject to the requirements to issue remissions under section 7 of the Service Fees Act and subsection 4.2.4 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authoritiesto remit a fee, in whole or in part, to a fee payer when a service standard was deemed not met. Natural Resources Canada’s remission policy and procedures, pursuant to the Service Fees Act, are on the following web page: Service standards, fees adjustment, and fee remission policy.

Overall totals, by fee-setting mechanism

The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees Natural Resources Canada had the authority to set in 2021–22, by fee-setting mechanism.

Overall totals for 2021–22, by fee-setting mechanism
Fee-setting mechanism Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
Fees set by contract 14,072,458.45 15,592,207.82 Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract.
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice 5,232,208.48 7,741,099.05 1,446.60
Total 19,304,666.93 23,333,306.87 1,446.60

Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice

A fee grouping is a set of fees relating to a single business line, directorate or program that a department had the authority to set for those activities.

This section presents, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees Natural Resources Canada had the authority to set in 2021–22 that are set by the following:

  • act
  • regulation
  • fees notice

Explosives licence and inspection fees: totals for 2021–22

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
1,847,602.62 3,732,761.01 1,446.60

National Air Photo Library – Air Photo products fees: totals for 2021–22

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
384,979.38 439,330.19 0.00

Forest Services Products Fees: totals for 2021–22

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
29,115.65 29,115.65 0.00

Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body Services fees: totals for 2021–22

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
1,865,915.83 2,310,844.47 0.00

Certified Reference Materials Program (CRMP) Products fees: totals for 2021–22

Revenue ($) Cost ($) Remissions ($)
1,104,595.00 1,229,047.73 0.00

Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice

This section provides detailed information on each fee that Natural Resources Canada had the authority to set in 2021–22 and that was set by the following:

  • act
  • regulation
  • fees notice

Fee grouping

Explosives licence and inspection fees


  • Authorization for an indefinite period
  • Authorization for a specified period for use other than at a special event, tour, or international competition
  • Authorization for a specified period for use at a special event, tour, or international competition
  • Single use permit
  • Annual permit
  • Initial division 1 factory licence to manufacture blasting or military explosives
  • Renewal of a division 1 factory licence to manufacture blasting or military explosives
  • Division 1 factory licence to manufacture any other explosives, and any other factory licence
  • Vendor magazine licence to store high explosives or initiation systems
  • Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives – retail
  • Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives – distribution
  • Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives - re-packaging
  • User magazine licence to store high explosives or initiation systems, other than high explosives and initiation systems stored by law enforcement agencies
  • User magazine zone licence to store high explosives or initiation systems
  • User magazine licence to store any other explosives, other than explosives stored by law enforcement agencies
  • Certificate to manufacture blasting explosives
  • Certificate to mechanically blend ammonium nitrate and fuel oil for immediate use at a blast site
  • Any other manufacturing certificate
  • Initial certificate
  • Modification to or change of certificate
  • Renewal of certificate

Fee-setting authority

Year fee-setting authority was introduced


Last year fee-setting authority was amended


Service standard

Decisions on applications for authorization will be made within 40 business days of receipt of the complete documentation in compliance with the requirements of the Explosives Regulations, 2013. Initial factory applications for high explosives will be completed within 60 days of receipt of completed documentation; renewals of all licences and permits will be processed within 30 days of a completed request.

Performance result

Turnaround times for all applications have been met except for one division 1 factory licence renewal (30 day service standard), one initial application for a user magazine licence to store high explosives (60 day service standard) and one renewal for a user magazine licence to store high explosives (30 day service standard) that resulted in remissions as indicated in the table below.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

  • Low-materiality ($51–$151):
    • Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives – retail
    • User magazine licence to store any other explosives, other than explosives stored by law enforcement agencies
    • Any other manufacturing certificate
    • Modification to or change of certificate
    • Renewal of certificate
  • Material (>$151):
    • Authorization for a specified period for use other than at a special event, tour, or international competition
    • Single use permit
    • Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives – distribution
    • Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives - re-packaging
    • Certificate to mechanically blend ammonium nitrate and fuel oil for immediate use at a blast site
    • Initial certificate
  • Material (formula):
    • Authorization for an indefinite period
    • Authorization for a specified period for use at a special event, tour, or international competition
    • Annual permit
    • Initial division 1 factory licence to manufacture blasting or military explosives
    • Renewal of a division 1 factory licence to manufacture blasting or military explosives
    • Division 1 factory licence to manufacture any other explosives, and any other factory licence
    • Vendor magazine licence to store high explosives or initiation systems
    • User magazine licence to store high explosives or initiation systems, other than high explosives and initiation systems stored by law enforcement agencies
    • User magazine zone licence to store high explosives or initiation systems
    • Certificate to manufacture blasting explosives
Fee 2021–22 fee amount ($) 2021–22 total fee revenue ($) 2021–22 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2023–24 2023–24 fee amount ($)
Authorization for an indefinite period

12.48 per year per explosive;

130.04 Min - 2,600.89 Max plus

a) 4.16 per year for each explosive or group of articles of same design and construction manufactured in Canada

130.04 Min - 1,300.42 Max

b) 15.60 per year for each explosive or group of articles of same design and construction manufactured outside of Canada

130.04 Min - 2,600.89 Max

167,300.58 0.00 April 1,2023

13.79 per year per explosive;

143.61 Min - 2,872.19 Max plus

a) 4.60 per year for each explosive or group of articles of same design and construction manufactured in Canada

143.61 Min - 1,436.10 Max

b) 17.24 per year for each explosive or group of articles of same design and construction manufactured outside of Canada

143.61 Min - 2,872.19 Max

Authorization for a specified period, for use other than at a special event, tour or international competition 156.05 7,435.58 0.00 April 1,2023 172.33
Authorization for a specified period for use at a special event, tour or international competition 520.18 Min - 2,600.89 Max 11,153.37 0.00 April 1,2023 574.44 Min - 2,872.19 Max
Single use permit 166.46 29,494.85 0.00 April 1,2023 183.82
Annual permit

20.81 per 1,000Kg Net Explosive Quantity;

166.46 Min - 1,352.46 Max

54,776.15 0.00 April 1,2023

22.98 per 1,000Kg Net Explosive Quantity;

183.82 Min - 1,493.54 Max

Initial division 1 factory licence to manufacture blasting or military explosives

832.28 each process unit,

832.28 each mobile process unit,

17.69 each 1,000kg Net Explosive Quantity,

234.08 per detonator;

3,121.07 Min - 31,210.65 Max

126,094.21 0.00 April 1,2023

919.10 each process unit,

919.10 each mobile process unit,

19.53 each 1,000kg Net Explosive Quantity,

258.50 per detonator;

3,446.63 Min - 34,466.30 Max

Renewal of a division 1 factory licence to manufacture blasting or military explosives

598.20 each process unit,

598.20 each mobile process unit,

17.69 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity storage,

234.08 each detonator;

3,121.07 Min - 31,210.65 Max

560,899.47 1,410.60 April 1,2023

660.60 each process unit,

660.60 each mobile process unit,

19.53 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity storage,

258.50 each detonator;

3,446.63 Min - 34,466.30 Max

Division 1 factory licence to manufacture any other explosives, and any other factory licence

832.28 each unit,

17.69 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity limit increment;

832.28 Min - 3,121.07 Max

458,524.40 0.00 April 1,2023

919.10 each unit,

19.53 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity limit increment;

919.10 Min - 3,446.63 Max

Vendor magazine licence to store high explosives or initiation systems

27.05 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity of storage limit increment

292.34 each detonator

40,808.88 0.00 April 1,2023

29.87 each 1,000 Kg Net Explosive Quantity of storage limit increment

322.83 each detonator

Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives – retail 142.80 each retail establishment 92,111.47 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 142.80 each retail establishment
Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives – distribution 364.12 each distributor 46,055.74 0.00 April 1, 2023 402.11 each distributor
Vendor magazine licence to store any other explosives - re-packaging 728.25 each re-packaging 15,351.91 0.00 April 1, 2023 804.21 each re-packaging
User magazine licence to store high explosives or initiation systems, other than high explosives and initiation systems stored by law enforcement agencies

145.65 per magazine,

291.30 Min

6,558.36 36.00 April 1, 2023

160.84 per magazine,

321.69 Min

User magazine zone licence to store high explosives or initiation systems

208.07 per magazine,

416.14 Min

4,575.60 0.00 April 1, 2023

229.78 per magazine,

459.55 Min

User magazine licence to store any other explosives, other than explosives stored by law enforcement agencies 71.40 4,118.04 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 71.40
Certificate to manufacture blasting Explosives

208.07 per month,

832.28 Min - 1,664.57 Max

5,581.87 0.00 April 1, 2023

229.78 per month,

919.10 Min - 1,838.20 Max

Certificate to mechanically blend ammonium nitrate and fuel oil for immediate use at a blast site 832.28 26,314.53 0.00 April 1, 2023 919.10
Any other manufacturing certificate 76.50 47,844.60 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 76.50
Initial certificate 156.05 85,561.81 0.00 April 1, 2023 172.33
Modification to or change of certificate 102.00 24,242.51 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 102.00
Renewal of certificate 102.00 32,798.69 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 102.00

Fee grouping

National Air Photo Library - Air Photo products fees


  • Contact Prints Monochrome
  • Contact Prints Monochrome (+15 consecutive images/roll)
  • Contact Prints Monochrome (70mm negative)
  • Laser copies Monochrome
  • Laser copies Colour
  • Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 25cm (10")
  • Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 38cm (15")
  • Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 50cm (20")
  • Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 76cm (30")
  • Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 101cm (40")
  • Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 101cm x 152cm (40" x 60")
  • Laser Copy Enlargements Monochrome
  • Laser Copy Enlargements Colour
  • Custom Mosaics Monochrome
  • Digital Imagery Monochrome 300 dpi (1 to 10 images)
  • Digital Imagery Monochrome 300 dpi (11+images)
  • Digital Imagery Monochrome 600, 800, 1200 dpi (1 to 10 images)
  • Digital Imagery Monochrome 600, 800, 1200 dpi (11+ images)
  • Digital Imagery Colour 300 dpi (1 to 10 images)
  • Digital Imagery Colour 300 dpi (11+ images)
  • Digital Imagery Colour 600, 800, 1200 dpi (1 to 10 images)
  • Digital Imagery Colour 600, 800, 1200 dpi (11+ images)
  • Scanned images from original negatives 2032 dpi (1 to 10 images)
  • Scanned images from original negatives 2032 dpi (11+ images of the same roll)
  • Transparencies Monochrome
  • Transparencies Colour
  • Transparencies Monochrome (from 70mm negative)
  • Diapositives
  • Miscellaneous Products Technical services (per hour)
  • Miscellaneous Products Calibration Report
  • Miscellaneous Products Priority service (surcharge)
  • Miscellaneous Products Letter of certification
  • Miscellaneous Products Letter of Copyrights
  • Miscellaneous Products Flight-line Index
  • Miscellaneous Products Complex Search Fee (per hour)
  • Miscellaneous Products Handling charge
  • Miscellaneous Products Media charge (CD-ROM/DVD per disc)

Fee-setting authority

Year fee-setting authority was introduced


Last year fee setting authority was amended


Service standard

Not subject to service standard requirement.

Performance result

Not subject to service standard requirement.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2021–22 fee amount ($) 2021–22 total fee revenue ($) 2021–22 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2023–24 2023–24 fee amount ($)
Contact Prints Monochrome 14.99 12,738.89 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 14.99
Contact Prints Monochrome (+15 consecutive images/roll) 12.00 14,412.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 12.00
Contact Prints Monochrome (70mm negative) 37.50 2,100.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 37.50
Laser copies Monochrome 11.25 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 11.25
Laser copies Colour 18.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 18.00
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 25cm (10") 39.00 39.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 39.00
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 38cm (15") 49.00 49.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 49.00
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 50cm (20") 59.00 177.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 59.00
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 76cm (30") 79.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 79.00
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 101cm (40") 110.00 110.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 110.00
Contact Print Enlargements Monochrome 101cm x 152cm (40" x 60") 149.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 149.00
Laser Copy Enlargements Monochrome 18.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 18.00
Laser Copy Enlargements Colour 22.95 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 22.95
Custom Mosaics Monochrome 69.00 + paper size (see Monochrome Contact Print Enlargement) 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 69.00 + paper size (see Monochrome Contact Print Enlargement)
Digital Imagery Monochrome 300 dpi (1 to 10 images) 24.99 9,396.24 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 24.99
Digital Imagery Monochrome 300 dpi (11+images) 22.49 5,060.25 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 22.49
Digital Imagery Monochrome 600, 800, 1200 dpi (1 to 10 images) 32.49 100,972.61 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 32.49
Digital Imagery Monochrome 600, 800, 1200 dpi (11+ images) 29.99 145,301.54 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 29.99
Digital Imagery Colour 300 dpi (1 to 10 images) 27.99 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 27.99
Digital Imagery Colour 300 dpi (11+ images) 25.49 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 25.49
Digital Imagery Colour 600, 800, 1200 dpi (1 to 10 images) 37.49 187.45 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 37.49
Digital Imagery Colour 600, 800, 1200 dpi (11+ images) 34.99 419.88 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 34.99
Scanned images from original negatives 2032 dpi (1 to 10 images) 37.49 60,340.15 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 37.49
Scanned images from original negatives 2032 dpi (11+ images of the same roll) 33.75 19,116.92 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 33.75
Transparencies Monochrome 18.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 18.00
Transparencies Colour 27.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 27.00
Transparencies Monochrome (from 70mm negative) 39.50 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 39.50
Diapositives 15.50 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 15.50
Miscellaneous Products Technical services (per hour) 50.00/h 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 50.00/h
Miscellaneous Products Calibration Report 5.75 454.25 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 5.75
Miscellaneous Products Priority service (surcharge) +50% 12,336.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable +50%
Miscellaneous Products Letter of certification 23.00 575.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 23.00
Miscellaneous Products Letter of Copyrights 0.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 0.00
Miscellaneous Products Flight-line Index 8.00 440.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 8.00
Miscellaneous Products Complex Search Fee (per hour) 50.00/h 80.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 50.00/h
Miscellaneous Products Handling charge 4.95 673.20 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 4.95
Miscellaneous Products Media charge (CD-ROM/DVD per disc) 7.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 7.00

Fee grouping

Forest Services Products Fees


  • Insect - Asian Long Horned Beetle
  • Insect - Brown Spruce Long Horned Beetle
  • Insect - Cabbage Looper
  • Insect - Emerald Ash Borer
  • Insect - Spruce Budworm
  • Insect - Western Spruce Budworm
  • Insect - Whitemarked Tussock Moth
  • Prepared Artificial Insect Diet - Addy
  • Prepared Artificial Insect Diet - McMorran
  • Prepared Artificial Insect - Asian Long-Horned Beetle
  • Prepared Artificial Insect Diet - Bell
  • Shipping Material
  • ¾ oz cup lids
  • ¾ oz cups
  • 6 oz cup lids
  • 6 oz cups
  • Courier Charges
  • Dry Artificial Insect Diet Ingredients - Addy
  • Dry Artificial Insect Diet Ingredients - McMorran
  • Dry Artificial Insect Diet Ingredients - Asian Long Horned Beetle
  • Dry Artificial Insect Diet Ingredients - Bell

Fee-setting authority

Year fee-setting authority was introduced


Last year fee setting authority was amended

Not applicable

Service standard

Not subject to service standard requirement

Performance result

Not subject to service standard requirement

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2021–22 fee amount ($) 2021–22 total fee revenue ($) 2021–22 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2023–24 2023–24 fee amount ($)
Insect - Asian Long Horned Beetle 5.00 per insect 5,505.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 5.00 per insect
Insect - Brown Spruce Long Horned Beetle 5.00 per insect 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 5.00 per insect
Insect - Cabbage Looper 100.00 per 1,000 insects 4,100.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 100.00 per 1,000 insects
Insect - Emerald Ash Borer 5.00 per insect 1,850.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 5.00 per insect
Insect - Spruce Budworm 100.00 per 1,000 insects 11,600.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 100.00 per 1,000 insects
Insect - Western Spruce Budworm 100.00 per 1,000 insects 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 100.00 per 1,000 insects
Insect - Whitemarked Tussock Moth 100.00 per 1,000 insects 100.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 100.00 per 1,000 insects
Prepared Artificial Insect Diet-Addy 20.00 per Tray 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 20.00 per Tray
Prepared Artificial Insect Diet-McMorran 20.00 per Tray 4,540.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 20.00 per Tray
Prepared Artificial Insect-Asian Long-Horned Beetle 20.00 per Tray 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 20.00 per Tray
Prepared Artificial Insect Diet-Bell 20.00 per Tray 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 20.00 per Tray
Shipping Material 13.00 per order 884.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 13.00 per order
¾ oz cup lids 36.00 per 1,200 72.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 36.00 per 1,200
¾ oz cups 24.00 per 1,200 48.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 24.00 per 1,200
6 oz cup lids 160.00 per 1,000 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 160.00 per 1,000
6 oz cups 300.00 per 1,000 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 300.00 per 1,000
Courier charges Per Cost 416.65 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable Per Cost
Dry Artificial Insect Diet Ingredients-Addy 20.00 per litre 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 20.00 per litre
Dry Artificial Insect Diet Ingredients-McMorran 20.00 per litre 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 20.00 per litre
Dry Artificial Insect Diet Ingredients-Asian Long-Horned Beetle 20.00 per litre 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 20.00 per litre
Dry Artificial Insect Diet Ingredients-Bell 20.00 per litre 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 20.00 per litre

Fee grouping

Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body Services fees


  • Replacement of documentation
  • Revalidation of Certification: Fee Charged as a Combination of Renewal if applicable and Recertification Fees as Required for Individual Requests
  • Special Written Exam Centre (SWEC) request - supplemental fee
  • AEC (Authorized Examination Centre) and RTO (Registered Training Organization) application/renewal fees
  • NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 1 written examination
  • NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 written examination
  • NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 3 written examination (Basic paper, Written Procedure, Written Procedure Review)
  • NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 3 basic written (General, EMC Codes and Applications)
  • NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – RT method radiation safety written examination
  • NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 practical examination for surface method
  • NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 1 practical examination for volumetric method
  • NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 practical examination for volumetric method
  • NDT Application Fee
  • NDT Level 1 written examination registration
  • NDT Level 1 written examination retest
  • NDT Level 2 written examination
  • NDT Level 2 written examination retest
  • NDT Level 3 written examination
  • NDT Level 3 written examination retest
  • Written Radiation Safety Exam registration
  • NDT Level 1 volumetric method practical examination
  • NDT Level 1 volumetric method practical retest
  • NDT Level 2 volumetric method practical examination
  • NDT Level 2 volumetric method practical examination retest
  • NDT Level 2 surface method practical examination
  • NDT Level 2 surface method practical examination retest
  • Renewal Fee for 1 NDT method
  • Renewal Fee for 2 NDT methods
  • Renewal Fee for 3 NDT methods
  • Renewal Fee for 4 NDT methods
  • Renewal Fee for 5 NDT methods
  • Renewal Fee for 6 NDT methods
  • NDT Renewal Late Fee
  • NDT Level 2 surface method recertification examination
  • NDT Level 2 surface method recertification examination retest
  • NDT Level 3 surface method recertification examination
  • NDT Level 3 surface method recertification examination retest practical portion
  • NDT Level 3 surface method recertification examination retest written portion
  • NDT Level 1 volumetric method recertification examination
  • NDT Level 1 volumetric method recertification examination retest
  • NDT Level 2 volumetric method recertification examination
  • NDT Level 2 volumetric method recertification examination retest
  • NDT Level 3 volumetric method recertification examination
  • NDT Level 3 volumetric method recertification examination practical portion retest
  • NDT Level 3 volumetric method recertification examination written portion retest
  • CEDO application for written examination
  • CEDO retest for written examination
  • CEDO photo card renewal
  • 5 year XRF Application
  • 1 year XRF Application
  • XRF Level 1 exam registration
  • XRF Level 1 exam rewrite
  • XRF Level 2 exam registration
  • XRF Level 2 exam rewrite
  • XRF Renewal
  • XRF Renewal Late Fee
  • XRF Recertification Application
  • XRF Level 1 Recertification Registration
  • XRF Level 1 recertification examination retest
  • XRF Level 2 Recertification Registration
  • XRF Level 2 recertification examination retest

Fee-setting authority

Year fee-setting authority was introduced


Last year fee setting authority was amended

Not applicable

Service standard

Not subject to service standard requirement

Performance result

Not subject to service standard requirement

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2021–22 fee amount ($) 2021–22 total fee revenue ($) 2021–22 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2023–24 2023–24 fee amount ($)
Replacement of documentation 90.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 105.00
Revalidation of Certification: Fee Charged as a Combination of Renewal if applicable and Recertification Fees as Required for Individual Requests As applicable - Fee Charged as a Combination of Renewal (if applicable) and Recertification Fees as Required for Individual Requests 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 As applicable - Fee Charged as a Combination of Renewal (if applicable) and Recertification Fees as Required for Individual Requests
Special Written Exam Centre (SWEC) request - supplemental fee 45.00 6,435.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 55.00
AEC (Authorized Examination Centre) and RTO (Registered Training Organization) application/renewal fees Per cost and charge-out. Application cost formula follows same structure that an individual candidate follows for their applicable certification(s) in addition to direct cost recovery for the examiner's technical assessment time. 2,170.83 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 Per cost and charge-out. Application cost formula follows same structure that an individual candidate follows for their applicable certification(s) in addition to direct cost recovery for the examiner's technical assessment time.
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 1 written examination 55.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 55.00
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 written examination 75.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 75.00
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 3 written examination (Basic paper, Written Procedure, Written Procedure Review) 75.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 75.00
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 3 basic written (General, EMC Codes and Applications) 110.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 110.00
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – RT method radiation safety written examination 55.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 55.00
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 practical examination for surface method 500.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 500.00
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 1 practical examination for volumetric method 250.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 250.00
NRCan NDTCB Authorized Examination Center Fee – Level 2 practical examination for volumetric method 1,000.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 1,000.00
NDT Application Fee 420.00 381,360.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 490.00
NDT Level 1 written examination registration 70.00 44,170.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 80.00
NDT Level 1 written examination retest 70.00 9,730.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 80.00
NDT Level 2 written examination 90.00 135,450.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 105.00
NDT Level 2 written examination retest 90.00 24,660.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 105.00
NDT Level 3 written examination 110.00 8,800.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 130.00
NDT Level 3 written examination retest 110.00 1,980.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 130.00
Written Radiation Safety Exam registration 90.00   This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 105.00
NDT Level 1 volumetric method practical examination 190.00 83,030.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 220.00
NDT Level 1 volumetric method practical retest 95.00 22,325.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 110.00
NDT Level 2 volumetric method practical examination 500.00 66,500.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 585.00
NDT Level 2 volumetric method practical examination retest 250.00 17,750.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 290.00
NDT Level 2 surface method practical examination 175.00 84,525.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 205.00
NDT Level 2 surface method practical examination retest 90.00 24,750.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 105.00
Renewal Fee for 1 NDT method 275.00 173,800.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 320.00
Renewal Fee for 2 NDT methods 450.00 136,800.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 525.00
Renewal Fee for 3 NDT methods 625.00 146,875.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 730.00
Renewal Fee for 4 NDT methods 800.00 70,400.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 935.00
Renewal Fee for 5 NDT methods 975.00 15,600.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 1,140.00
Renewal Fee for 6 NDT methods 1,150.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 1,340.00
NDT Renewal Late Fee 120.00 66,000.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 145.00
NDT Level 2 surface method recertification examination 125.00 66,000.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 145.00
NDT Level 2 surface method recertification examination retest 90.00 8,190.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 105.00
NDT Level 3 surface method recertification examination 235.00 7,285.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 275.00
NDT Level 3 surface method recertification examination retest practical portion 90.0 900.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 105.00
NDT Level 3 surface method recertification examination retest written portion 110.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 130.00
NDT Level 1 volumetric method recertification examination 130.00 43,160.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 150.00
NDT Level 1 volumetric method recertification examination retest 95.00 6,935.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 110.00
NDT Level 2 volumetric method recertification examination 285.00 34,485.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 335.00
NDT level 2 volumetric method recertification examination retest 250.00 5,500.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 290.00
NDT level 3 volumetric method recertification examination 395.00 1,580.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 460.00
NDT level 3 volumetric method recertification examination practical portion retest 250.00 4,250.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 290.00
NDT level 3 volumetric method recertification examination written portion retest 110.00 4,290.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 130.00
CEDO application for written examination 250.00 23,250.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 250.00
CEDO retest for written examination 200.00 8,600.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 200.00
CEDO photo card renewal 120.00 1,560.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 120.00
5 year XRF Application 140.00 115,360.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 165.00
1 year XRF Application 55.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 65.00
XRF Level 1 exam registration 55.00 36,410.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 65.00
XRF Level 1 exam rewrite 55.00 1,045.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 65.00
XRF Level 2 exam registration 35.00 12,460.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 40.00
XRF Level 2 exam rewrite 35.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 40.00
XRF Renewal 110.00 19,800.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 130.00
XRF Renewal Late Fee 55.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 65.00
XRF Recertification Application 110.00 4,840.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 130.00
XRF Level 1 Recertification Registration 55.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 65.00
XRF Level 1 recertification examination retest 55.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 65.00
XRF Level 2 Recertification Registration 35.00 105.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 40.00
XRF Level 2 recertification examination retest 35.00 2,800.00 This fee was not subject to remissions April 1, 2023 40.00

Fee grouping

Certified Reference Material Project (CRMP) Products fees


BH-1; BL-2a; BL-4a; BL-5; CCU-1e; CD-1; CH-4; CLV-1; CLV-2; CPB-3; CT-1; CUAR-1; CUP-1; CUP-2; CZN-4; DH-1a; DL-1a; DS-1; GTS-2a; HCC-1; HV-2a; INM-1; IOC-1; KZK-1; MA-1b; MA-2c; MA-3a; MP-1b; MP-2a; NBM-1; NZA-1C; NZA-2C; NZA-3C; NZA-4C; NZA-5C; NZA-6C; NZA-7C; NZA1-7D; NZA-1D; NZA-2D; NZA-3D; NZA-4D; NZA-5D; NZA-6D; NZA-7D; OKA-1; PTA-1; PTC-1b; REE-1; REE-2; REE-3; RL-1; RTS-3a; RTS-5; SL-1; SU-1b; SY-5; TAN-1; TDB-1; TILL-2; TILL-3; TLG-1; TPO-1; UMT-1; UTS-1; UTS-2; UTS-3; UTS-4; WGB-1; WMG-1a; WMS-1a; WPR-1a

Fee-setting authority

Year fee-setting authority was introduced


Last year fee setting authority was amended

Not applicable

Service standard

The following service standard is not subject to remissions pursuant to the Service Fees Act: Dispatch of orders to clients within 5 business days; Hold annual meeting with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to get feedback on CRMP's activities.

Performance result

Orders were dispatched to clients on time over 95% of the time; Held the annual TAC meeting in February 2022.

Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations

Not subject to section 17 of the Service Fees Act

Fee 2021–22 fee amount ($) 2021–22 total fee revenue ($) 2021–22 total remissions issued for the fee($) Fee adjustment date in 2023–24 2023–24 fee amount ($)
BH-1 250.00 1,000.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
BL-2a 250.00 1,750.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
BL-4a 270.00 1,890.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 285.00
BL-5 140.00 980.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 145.00
CCU-1e 580.00 418,760.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 610.00
CD-1 265.00 5,300.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 280.00
CH-4 390.00 13,650.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 410.00
CLV-1 205.00 1,435.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
CLV-2 205.00 1,435.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
CPB-3 275.00 81,400.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 290.00
CT-1 250.00 750.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
CUAR-1 660.00 33,660.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 690.00
CUP-1 250.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
CUP-2 280.00 2,800.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 295.00
CZN-4 375.00 145,875.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 395.00
DH-1a 280.00 560.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 295.00
DL-1a 280.00 560.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 295.00
DS-1 650.00 18,200.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 680.00
GTS-2a 900.00 8,100.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 945.00
HCC-1 150.00 2,550.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 155.00
HV-2a 720.00 15,840.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 755.00
INM-1 150.00 600.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 155.00
IOC-1 330.00 18,480.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 345.00
KZK-1 215.00 18,060.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 225.00
MA-1b 250.00 7,250.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
MA-2c 480.00 1,920.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 505.00
MA-3a 250.00 1,000.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
MP-1b 400.00 45,600.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 420.00
MP-2a 830.00 26,560.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 870.00
NBM-1 275.00 36,575.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 290.00
NZA-1C 205.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
NZA-2C 205.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
NZA-3C 205.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
NZA-4C 205.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
NZA-5C 205.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
NZA-6C 205.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
NZA-7C 205.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 215.00
NZA1-7D 2,060.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 2,160.00
NZA-1D 340.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 355.00
NZA-2D 340.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 355.00
NZA-3D 340.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 355.00
NZA-4D 340.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 355.00
NZA-5D 340.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 355.00
NZA-6D 340.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 355.00
NZA-7D 340.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 355.00
OKA-1 250.00 750.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
PTA-1 470.00 470.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 495.00
PTC-1b 475.00 19,950.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 500.00
REE-1 495.00 14,355.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 520.00
REE-2 445.00 8,900.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 465.00
REE-3 430.00 6,020.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 450.00
RL-1 140.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 145.00
RTS-3a 300.00 32,400.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 315.00
RTS-5 400.00 13,600.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 420.00
SL-1 350.00 4,550.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 365.00
SU-1b 405.00 23,895.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 425.00
SY-5 The fee was introduced on April 20, 2022; therefore the fee was not enforced for the reporting period The fee was introduced on April 20, 2022; therefore, no revenue was collected during the reporting period This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 330.00
TAN-1 250.00 2,250.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
TDB-1 715.00 2,860.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 750.00
TILL-2 195.00 11,700.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 205.00
TILL-3 195.00 8,385.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 205.00
TLG-1 250.00 6,250.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 260.00
TPO-1 145.00 2,610.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 150.00
UMT-1 655.00 1,965.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 685.00
UTS-1 365.00 1,095.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 385.00
UTS-2 365.00 1,095.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 385.00
UTS-3 345.00 1,725.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 360.00
UTS-4 195.00 1,170.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 205.00
WGB-1 715.00 3,575.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 750.00
WMG-1a 1,455.00 10,185.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 1,525.00
WMS-1a 410.00 12,300.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 430.00
WPR-1a 1,195.00 0.00 This fee was not subject to remissions Not applicable 1,250.00

Page details

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