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Revolutionizing emergency preparedness with on-demand mapping
In today’s hyper-connected era, Canadians are seeking immediate and easy to access mapping where and when it’s needed
The science — and art — of forecasting wildland fires
On a beautiful spring day, it might be hard to imagine this is the calm before the storm. But wait. While Canada’s wildl
Unlocking the secrets of Canadian volcanoes through technology
Did you know that Canada is home to potentially active volcanoes? In the shadow of these seemingly sleeping giants lie p
Canada’s record-breaking wildfires in 2023: A fiery wake-up call
In 2023, Canada is facing a formidable challenge: record-breaking wildfires. These fires are fueled by record high tempe
A new tool to assess earthquake risks in Canada
What, exactly, would happen if an earthquake occurred in your area? A team at Natural Resources Canada have some answers
New report brings experts together for stronger, safer, more resilient communities
People in B.C. are exposed to a wide variety of potentially devastating natural hazards, including landslides, tsunamis,
The Smoking Hills
In Cape Bathurst, where Canada's mainland meets the Arctic Ocean, an entire coastline is burning.
Earthquakes in Eastern Canada
There are, on average, over 4,000 earthquakes in Canada each year. Many of those earthquakes occur in Western Canada
Icebergs Can Cause Landslides – New Discovery (Byte-Sized Science)
Alex Normandeau is a research scientist studying submarine landslides.
It takes only seconds to protect yourself in an earthquake
By the end of 2024, more than 10 million people in Canada’s most earthquake-prone regions will be able to receive