Zero-Carbon Hydrogen Production Via Pyrolysis

Strategic Area

Clean Fuels




Pacific Northern Gas


Energy Innovation Program



EIP Contribution

$ 1,000,000

Project Total

$ 4,047,350



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Innova Hydrogen Inc.

Lead Proponent

Innova Cleantech Corp.

Project Objectives

The Project aims to develop a system that uses catalytic natural gas pyrolysis to produce hydrogen, graphite, and graphene with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. The system will advance from TRL 5 to TRL 7 by designing and developing a reactor processing 4000 scf/day of natural gas (19 kg of H2/day) and field test it for 12months. Innova also plans to design a reactor processing 1,000,000 scf/day of natural gas after successful field testing of the 4000 scf/day reactor.

Expected Results

This project expects to:

  1. Offer environmental benefits such as GHG emission reductions, clean hydrogen production and no water consumption.
  2. Produce valuable carbon products.
  3. Support an environmentally sustainable future for Canada’s energy sector while contributing to the development of a strong resilient workforce; and
  4. Support Canada’s commitment to lower GHG emissions under the Paris Agreement.

The project also has the potential to contribute to positive socio-economic outcomes.