Lead Proponent: Inventys Thermal Technologies Incorporated
Location: Lashburn, SK
CEI Contribution: $ 2.6 M
Project Total: $ 15.2 M
Strategic Area: Carbon Capture, Use and Storage
Project Objectives:
This project is intended to demonstrate capturing CO2 using Inventys’ VeloxoTherm™ process, which is a next generation post combustion CO2 capture process that uses adsorbent structures. This process is more cost effective, non-toxic, and more efficient than amine solutions.
The captured CO2 will be used for heavy oil enhanced oil recovery (HOEOR), which is a technique for heavy oil production being pioneered by Husky for use in heavy oil deposits located in Saskatchewan.
HOEOR is similar to conventional enhanced oil recovery in that CO2 is used to stimulate the production of oil from reservoirs after primary recovery. However, unlike the conventional EOR projects, projects involving HOEOR have favorable economics at smaller scales.
Expected Results:
Completion of this project, which includes the validation of the capital cost and operating performance of the 30-tonne/day plant and testing of the VeloxoTherm™ process flue gases of varying concentrations will allow for proving of the technology for broader CO2 capture applications and allow petroleum fuels to compete in a carbon constrained economy.