Techno-Economic Assessment of Emissions Reduction Opportunities from Canada’s LNG Production System

Lead proponent:  Patro Research Ltd.
Location: Calgary, AB
EIP Contribution: $ 600,000
Project total:  $ 1,500,373
Strategic Area:  Methane and VOC Emissions

Project Objectives:

The main objective of this project is to identify the most cost effective, high-impact methane emission reduction opportunities across the life-cycle of the integrated natural gas system, to help limit any increases in GHG emissions associated with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects in Canada.  The project will identify technology gaps and inform the development of measures to advance technology deployment and uptake for improving upstream environmental performance.

The project will build upon a current NRCan project where stakeholders are collaborating to develop emissions quantification and reporting mechanisms built directly upon the production accounting platform used by facilities in Western Canada to report monthly oil and gas production.  This project will enable facility level methane emissions quantification reporting and verification for oil and gas facilities in Western Canada and identify new methane emission reduction opportunities for Canadian integrated natural gas systems.

Expected Results:

The outcomes of this project will define pathways around what can currently be achieved and costs of emissions reduction, provide credible GHG emissions information for the various pathways, identify local markets suited for specific technologies or services, enable realistic estimations of emissions along existing or proposed pathways and inform the development of measures to advance technology deployment and uptake.

Project Partners:

Clearstone Engineering Ltd.
New Paradigm Engineering Ltd. including its Nexov Canada Division
Alberta Energy Regulator

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Patro Research Ltd.