Lead Proponent: CMC Research Institutes
Location: Richmond, British Columbia
EIP Contribution: $ 950,000
Project Total: $ 2.16 M
Strategic Area: Carbon Capture, Use and Storage
Project Objectives:
This project will establish a multi-purpose technology development and scale up facility to validate and test carbon capture and conversion technologies at a small scale (up to 1 tonne/day), and prepare them for scale-up, for testing in the field or at the commercialization centre in Alberta or elsewhere.
This facility will enable researchers and technology developers from government, academia and industry to accelerate the development, validation and prototyping of novel carbon capture and conversion technologies. The facility will be unique in its synergistic and system engineering approach in developing the most efficient solutions for GHG emissions from a broad range of industrial processes.
This project will enable a multi-sector partnership to reduce bottlenecks in the innovation chain, associated with scaling up activities, and will provide critical training opportunities for students and young professionals.
Expected Results:
The facility’s holistic view on carbon and conversion processes should have a significant technical impact, through process intensification and cost reduction. Potential synergies achieved through this approach would most likely have direct impact on both environmental and economic aspects of any projects.
Some of the economic and social impacts will include economic diversification, clean tech development and improved access of Western Canadian oil and potentially liquefied natural gas products to global markets.
New carbon capture and conversion technologies that are going to be developed and scaled up at the facility will accelerate GHG emissions reductions from the most carbon intensive industries in Canada. Other benefits could include international exports, increased competitiveness for Canadian clean tech, and the growth of a knowledge based economy in Canada.
Project Partners:
BC Research Inc.
The University of British Columbia