Markham Virtual Hydrogen Hybrid Demonstration Project

Strategic Area

Smart grid and energy storage






Energy Innovation Program



EIP Contribution

$ 900,000

Project Total

$ 1,250,000



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Lead Proponent


Project Objectives

This project aims to showcase a hydrogen electrolyzer's ability to vary its power input in response to an external control signal. This project includes Ontario’s IESO and the external signal is from an Ontario wind farm’s power forecast error. In this application, the electrolyzer power smooths the power output of the chosen wind farm. The project is a three year collaboration, demonstrating the hydrogen electrolyzer’s ability to respond to varying active power targets. The project now focuses on a full year of operation, addressing dispatch deviations in a wind energy facility across all seasons. Its goal is to contribute to the development of power grid ancillary service codes and standards.

Expected Results

This project is expected to:

  1. Provide operational experience for future power grids, particularly in power-to-gas applications, facilitating analysis and capacity building.
  2. Offer technical insights into long-term hydrogen blending in the natural gas system, vital for Canada, especially in Alberta and Ontario, aligning with the Federal Government's 2050 decarbonization goals.
  3. Contribute to reducing GHG emissions by blending hydrogen into the natural gas grid and supporting the business case for larger electrolyzers and greater GHG reductions.
  4. Inform the development of codes and standards for similar facilities and influence ancillary services regulations, market design, and technical requirements.