High Voltage Utility Connected Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Demonstration

Lead Proponent:   British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
Location:  Vancouver, BC
EIP Contribution: $ 1.2 M
Project Total: $ 2.4 M
Strategic Area:  Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations

Project Objectives:

The objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate a Level 2 (L2) Electric Vehicle (EV) charger that addresses barriers to EV infrastructure deployment in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURBs), as well as large commercial and municipal buildings. This new charger design will increase the efficiency, reduce installation costs and be directly connected to the utility’s smart meter network allowing for individual EV payment resolution and remote monitoring.

Current L2 EV chargers use low AC voltage (240 VAC) as an input. In commercial buildings and MURBs, installation of EV chargers typically require a designated transformer to convert facility voltage (480-600 VAC) to the required L2 charger voltage.  In this project, the transformer would be integrated into the charger, which will eliminate the need for the designated transformer reducing space requirements in the meter room, reduce the number of conduits and wiring,  improve the EV charger system’s performance and reliability, while also reducing costs.  The space savings would be especially beneficial for charger installations in older buildings. A smart utility meter will be integrated into the charger to allow for individual metering and billing, as well as remote monitoring.

Expected Results:

This project aims to reduce barriers to EV uptake by Canadians living in MURBs, as well as aid EV charger installations in commercial and municipal buildings. The demonstrated technology would be replicable in other Canadian and international jurisdictions.   

Project Partners:

Province of British Columbia
City of Vancouver
Township of Langley
City of Abbotsford
City of Maple Ridge
District of Kent
Fraser Valley Regional District
SPMC Technologies Inc.
Itron Inc.
Zeco Systems Inc (Greenlots)
Intertec Testing Services NA Ltd

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