Ethanol Production from Construction & Demolition Waste FEED Study

Strategic Area

Forestry – Technology and Innovation
GHG & Air Emissions




County of Lambton Community
Development Corporation
ArcTern Ventures


Clean Growth Program



CGP Contribution

$ 2,899,800

Project Total

$ 5,799,800



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Woodland Biofuels Inc.

Lead Proponent

Woodland Biofuels Inc.

Project Objectives

Woodland Biofuels makes clean, renewable ethanol from biomass. This project will enable Woodland’s cellulosic ethanol plant to complete the last level of a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Study for the facility and the final stage of demonstration-scale plant trials needed to conclude financing and construction planning for Woodland’s first commercial ethanol plant.

The process will utilize a mixture of forestry waste from feedstock providers and construction and demolition wood waste.

Expected Results

This technology will support Canada’s forest industry in two ways: 1) creating a permanent new industry that generates revenue from forest industry waste, and; 2) revitalizing the forest industry’s current infrastructure, increasing efficiency of operations and adding value to the existing resource base.

Anticipated Environmental Benefits: By 2021, expects to produce 79.5 million liters of cellulosic ethanol per year, potential to reduce annual GHG emissions by est. 200 ktCO2e.

Beyond GHG reductions, no VOCs are released during production, large amounts of wood waste are diverted from landfill, and the process uses 92% less water per litre than the production of gasoline.