Enhanced Charging Infrastructure Via Vehicle-Side Data

Lead Proponent:  CrossChasm Technologies Inc. (operating as “FleetCarma”)
Location:  Across Canada
EIP Contribution:  $3,250,000
Project Total:  $6,871,321
Strategic Area:  Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations

Project Objectives:

The objectives of this project are to address concerns by utilities regarding potential grid overload due to electric vehicle (EV) charging, support optimal EV charging deployment, as well as address barriers to widespread adoption of EV infrastructure in workplaces and multi-unit residences.

The project seeks to improve the operation and deployment of charging infrastructure for EVs by demonstrating charging based on the innovative and intelligent use of real-world, vehicle-side data, such as battery state and all charge events. The data obtained will provide Canadian utilities and governments with a large-scale view of how EVs are driven and charged in Canada, as well as support ideal deployment of new charging stations and help identify potential grid upgrades. The project also includes demonstrations of smart-charging in the workplace and an innovative low cost charge reimbursement solution for multi-unit dwellings. 

This demonstration project is divided into three sections, which all utilize the capabilities of FleetCarma’s vehicle data logger combined with centralized data collection and control. The project sections are:

Large-Scale EV Grid Integration Impact Analysis – up to 1000 EVs across Canada will be monitored, capturing data on driving and charging habits. This data and the subsequent analysis will provide Canadian utilities and governments with a large-scale view of how EVs are driven and charged in Canada, as well as aid the optimal planning of new EV charging station installations across the country.

Workplace Smart-Charging – This section of the project is led by Alectra Utilities and will use FleetCarma’s paired smart-charging control system, which incorporates data loggers clipped into the vehicle, to minimize EV and grid integration issues. It does this by allowing the charging to be stopped or slowed when the grid requires it, while ensuring a completed EV charging event when the owner requested it.  This demonstration also includes integration of solar power and energy storage in the workplace’s building management system.

Charge Reimbursements in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings – A charge reimbursement system for multi-unit dwellings that is less onerous, lower cost and provides more value to the EV and building owners than installing sub-meters will be demonstrated.  This system also works with existing 110V outlets.

Expected Results:

The project’s large-scale EV grid integration impact section will result in information on how EVs are used in Canada. This data will be made widely available to Canadian utilities and policy makers. It will allow for a data-driven approach to identify where grid overloading will and won’t occur, as well as where grid and charging infrastructure upgrades are required. 

The workplace smart-charging and the multi-unit residential reimbursement sections will improve the ability to intelligently deploy EV charging infrastructure at workplaces and multi-unit residential buildings. It will result in reduced greenhouse gases - about 2 metric tons CO2 annually for every plug-in vehicle enrolled in a workplace smart-charging program - and increase EV adoption for multi-unit residential buildings, due to providing a lower cost option where simply charge re-imbursement is required. 

CrossChasm currently exports to 23 countries and expects to increase that to 40 countries by the end of this project.

Project Partners:

Alectra Utilities
BC Hydro
Oakville Hydro
Burlington Hydro
Waterloo North Hydro
Nova Scotia Power
Bruce Power
University of  Waterloo
Toronto Hydro
Hydro Quebec
New Brunswick Power


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