High-Voltage Bidirectional Inverter for Electric Vehicles

eLeapPower’s breakthrough Smart Inverter System is the beating heart of electric vehicles.

Sector - Focus area

Transportation - Advanced Inverter System for EVs




Linamar Corporation
Cornerstone Hydro


Energy Innovation Program



EIP Contribution

$ 2,558,954

Project Total

$ 4,742,038


Toronto, ON

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Lead Proponent


Project Background

The High-Voltage Bidirectional Inverter for Electric Vehicles project led by eLeapPower showcased cutting-edge technology, integrating AC and DC charging functionalities with the electric vehicle drivetrain. This technology will reduce the total cost of ownership of electric vehicles by reducing vehicle weight, improve energy efficiency, and decrease the costs of high-power charging infrastructure.

The main objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate the novel inverter technology in an electric delivery vehicle. The inverter technology can be used in all passenger or commercial vehicles, and the commercial vehicle segment was chosen for the first demonstration because of strong interest and market potential in delivery fleets. The project engaged stakeholders in fleet operations, manufacturing, utilities, and university research groups in Canada to provide a pathway from innovation to commercialization.


The inverter was developed and demonstrated in an electric delivery van. Test results showed power and efficiency of bidirectional AC charging up to 19.2kW and bidirectional DC charging up to 50kW. The driving function was tested both on a dynamometer and test track. The eLeapPower inverter was used for both driving and charging functions and thus eliminated duplicate equipment, that is, the need for separate systems found in traditional electric vehicles.

Intellectual property for inverter charging control algorithms was developed and patents were filed in multiple jurisdictions. The project team worked closely with university researchers, resulting in strong student training and research paper publication.

The development of the inverter and its integration into the vehicle required a multi-disciplinary team and close work with collaborators in the innovation ecosystems. The project not only helped created software, electrical and simulation design jobs at eLeapPower but also stimulated job creation and retention at our partners in R&D, manufacturing and testing.

The project allowed eLeapPower to showcase the integrated inverter technology, and several integrators are in discussion with eLeapPower for commercialization.

Benefits to Canada

The eLeapPower inverter lowers the total cost of ownership of electric vehicles and can spur electric vehicle adoption especially in delivery fleet for e-commerce in Canada. The inverter technology opens the door for next generation low-cost charging infrastructure development, removing a significant charging infrastructure barrier for electric vehicle. eLeapPower is in discussion with a leading Canadian fleet operator in fleet electrification and charging infrastructure development.

The development of proven Canadian electric vehicle technology creates interest from global automakers that can lead to product export opportunities or investment for product development and manufacturing.

The project helped create and retain technology and innovation jobs in Canadian electric vehicle ecosystem. PhD students from partner universities have joined eLeapPower, and eLeapPower employee has taken up professorship in Canadian universities to further knowledge and talent creation.

Next steps

eLeapPower is in advanced negotiation with several global automakers and fleet operators in inverter technology and charging infrastructure adoption. eLeapPower is also working closely with Canadian university partners in RD&D for next generation integrated inverter solutions incorporating hydrogen fuel cells and wireless charging.

Technology in Action

eLeapPower team members working on integration its innovative integrated inverter technology into a commercial vehicle for validation at a state-of-the-art dynamometer facility.

In Their Words

Tony Han, Founder and CTO

“eLeapPower develops advanced electric propulsion and charging systems for global automakers. BESC provides the recognition that is important for a Canadian technology company to gain global audience. Thanks to BESC funding, we are able to demonstrate the inverter product and be in discussion with global automakers for technology adoption. We believe the eLeapPower inverter technology can help accelerate electric vehicle adoption by lowering the total cost of ownership and making charging more accessible.”

Tony Han, Founder and CTO