Community Clean Energy Planning, Training, and Implementation Planning in Taloyoak

Strategic Area

Renewable Energy
Indigenous Off-Diesel Initiative




Impact Canada



Impact Canada Contribution


Project Total



Taloyoak, NU

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Indigenous Off-Diesel Initiative

Lead Proponent

Aqqaq's Clean Energy Enterprise

Project Objectives

Aqqaq's Clean Energy (ACE) Enterprise is engaging with residents in Taloyoak to create a community energy plan. Through community engagement, the goal of the community energy plan will be to develop a community vision for the next 10 years.

Expected Results

Energy education and training will be a key component of this project which will provide community members with relevant knowledge and skills about energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy. Ultimately, the development of a community energy plan will support the community as they develop implementation solutions that meet community energy needs and priorities, conduct feasibility studies, and create jobs.