Strategic Area
Renewable Energy
Indigenous Off-Diesel Initiative
Impact Canada
Impact Canada Contribution
Project Total
Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik and Rigolet, NL
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Lead Proponent
Nunatsiavut Government
Project Objectives
The Nunatsiavut Government is engaging with the communities of Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik and Rigolet to create Community Energy Plans that will support clean energy projects, provide capacity building opportunities, and support implementation planning. Based on results from a Green Energy Survey, the Nunatsiavut Government is planning to implement a number of net-metering projects, about 7-10KW each.
Expected Results
Energy education and engagement are key components of this project which will provide community members with relevant knowledge and skills to best articulate their energy needs while decreasing costs associated with energy. Ultimately, the development of community specific energy plans will benefit the communities and Nunatsiavut Government in strategic long-term energy decision-making. Outreach trips to Hopedale are planned, and will assist the dissemination of energy education into the next largest community in Nunatsiavut. The Community Energy Lead will also participate in online training to further prepare for project implementation.