Clean Seas Feasibility Study and Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Project

Lead Proponent:Field Upgrading Limited
Location:Fort Saskatchewan, AB
EIP Contribution:$ 3.56 M
Project Total:$ 16.5 M
Strategic Area:Oil and Gas Clean Technologies

Project Objectives:

The objective of this project is to advance Field Upgrading’s (DSU™) technology by completing a FEED study for a first of its kind modular large scale 2500 barrels per day (Bpd) demonstration plant.

DSU™ technology removes sulphur and metals from heavy oils and refinery bottoms to produce a marine fuel that complies with the lower ISO sulphur specifications for marine fuel. DSU technology is more energy efficient than conventional technologies, has no direct SOx, NOx, PM or GHG emissions, and does not leave coke or asphaltenes behind.

The DSU™ technology has been extensively proven in the lab and at pilot scale, with an operating 10 Bpd pilot plant, across over 30 different feedstocks from Alberta bitumen and refinery bottoms to Columbia heavy oils with consistent positive results.

Expected Results:

This FEED study will be a building block for a full-scale commercial plant. An important advantage of the DSU™ process is its scalability. An objective of the project will be to package the commercial plant into sea container-size skids that can be prefabricated and delivered to site to speed rollout of the technology and minimize low-productivity work in the field.

Project Partners:

Ceramatec Inc.

Advisory Committee:

Sterling Fuels
Representatives from major oil and gas companies

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